Coven's Baby (continuation)

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It was truly a gift to be surrounded by all these ladies. In life they only had one goal and that was to make you happy as always. They loved you so much. 

It was still fresh from your memory as if this day just happened few weeks back, it was a memory with Lana. Over everyone who had left home to work from time to time you never cried as hard as you did with the other woman when Lana had to go. You remembered wailing so loud that it annoyed Madison. 

You were thirteen by that time and you were so attached with Lana, it pained the woman seeing you like that. She wished she could just stay at the coven and be with you all the time but she couldn't, she also had a life - she was a reporter and reporters don't just stick to one place. She could never give her career up, this woman worked so hard to reach this position in life and you truly understood that. 

With one last glimpse from the brunette she climbed  inside the cab and shut the door. Sally caught you when you broke down to you knees, sobbing on the woman's chest. Audrey was there consoling you, and the rest of them just stood there pang of ache darted in their chest. 

That wasn't the only time you had a breakdown because one of your moms had to leave. Mina had to be away on a seminar and it happened that Ally had to drive back to Michigan because of the restaurant and her son Oz. You were unsure who to beg between the two of them, you wanted to come with them so bad. Everytime any of them had to leave you couldn't help but feel like you heart was being ripped open. 

That was how much you loved them. It felt like you couldn't live without them. It wasn't how it all used to being not completed, it was sad and lonely even if some of them were always there. 

That night, Cordelia couldn't endure it anymore she told Mina, Sally, Bette and Dot to call the other women. They all agreed on it,

Sally was onto Audrey, 

"Audrey fucking Tindall it's about time you picked up the damn phone!" 

"Bloody hell, Sal. Careful with your language (y/n) might hear you!" Audrey's voice was thick in her accent. It was evident in her voice how tired she was, how being an actress wasn't all about fun it was also a curse. Sally rolled her eyes at this. 

"Well she's in her bedroom. Audrey, you fucking need to come home, everyone needs to fucking come home now. Little cricket's been feeling down lately." The conversation went on and on for a short time. 

Mina sat there bickering with Lana but the women got along when Mina told Lana about your state. Bette and Dot was on to Ally, unlike those four the talk between the three was civilized, in no time the conversation had ended. 

On the other hand, Cordelia was there pacing back and forth in her office, impatiently waiting for Billie to answer the call. "Jesus, Billie!" She said right away when she the line was opened. 

"Miss Cordelia?" Instead of Billie's voice another woman's voice was heard from the other line, Cordelia checked if she dialed the right number and of course she did. That was fucking Billie's number. "Who's this? where's Billie?" She replied wasting no time. "Please hand it back to her, I need to speak with her."


"Billie!" And that was it, Cordelia explained everything to Billie and won't give the other woman time to say something. Also she learned that woman who answered her was Nora Montgomery - Billie's new girlfriend who she had met while on the set of her T.V show. 

Back upstairs, in your room, you had fallen in a peaceful slumber. Finally, your mind was calmed down and resting. 


The sound of freshly brewed coffee and newly made tea being poured on same size of porcelain mugs that were elegantly painted with roses on the side was the only noise in the kitchen in the early morning, 

The short blonde haired woman yawned as she took one cup of tea, a both of brunettes took coffee followed by the curled blonde. 

Ally was the first one to arrive and Lana was the last, they were all exhausted from the drive and flight, now all of them sat around the other table in the kitchen except for Sally who preferred the counter top and Cordelia wouldn't stop glaring at her over it but as usual Sally won't give a fuck unless your name was (y/n). 

Lana stood up after tasting the coffee, all eyes were on her. "I'm going up to check on her." it wasn't an invitation but all women stood up and Sally hopped off the counter. All of them went up to your room, their feet were hitting the floor as soundless as they could muster not wanting to wake you up. 

By one, the entered the white painted room, rounding the bed and watching you like creeps. 

You were curled up on the edge of the bed, arms were clutching the frame close to your chest. They all didn't say any words but when they shared some glances they knew what was in each other's mind. The bed dipped down caused by Cordelia's weight who crawled next to you, until the bed was so crowded. Billie had no more space so instead of pushing herself in, she bent down on her knees in front of you and stroked your cheek with feather light weight of her fingers, outlining your features and admiring how beautiful you look even when asleep. 

They had at least ten minutes marveling the sight of your peaceful face, watching as your eyes twitched and lips moved unconsciously. Surfacing from the dream, your body was becoming aware of the world again, you were moderately regaining consciousness and hearing things around you. 

"Billie! stop doing that on her face, she's not Misty's little bunny!" Sally hissed at the woman and you perfectly heard this. Billie...she's home.

A smile crept to your lips unknowingly. "Hi, sweetheart." Billie Dean said resting her hand on your cheeks and smiling gracefully. 

"Great you just woke her up." Sally said again. Your eyes fluttered open and eyes of different hues of brown welcomed you, they were warm and sweet and cozy. It was too good to be true. 

But then no matter how many times you blinked your eyes waiting for them to disappear one by one they were still there. "Baby, we're here, we truly are." Lana said as if she had read what was in your mind.

"We missed you lovebug." Ally said scooting closer to you.

"We're sorry for being not here at all times, precious." The english actress said.

In just moment you were tearing up realizing it wasn't a cruel dream that always played with your emotions. You shot right up and hugged them all whispering I love you's in their ears. 

"How's the coven's baby feeling?" Cordelia said who you hugged the last, your face was caught in her hands and squishing your cheeks lightly. "Great now, mom." Your eyes wandered around looking around. 

In your head you already had a list of what to do for the day wanting to make it extra special now that your moms were all here but what you didn't know they had a surprise for you.

The end  

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