Miss Paulson. (Sarah Paulson ft. You)

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Hiii late Merry Christmas everyone!!! btw this is only a fic okay???? i'm not against holland and sar i love them both this isn't something serious okay? bye happy reading lovelots

The curve of her lips and the space between them just to show a little part of her pearly teeth was enough to complete my day. Her smile was the best I had ever known in my whole life. She snort like a child, dance like a drunken man, curse like a sailor, sit like a queen, drink like tomorrow didn't exist, she was completely human, she bled, she cried, she laughed, she lied, she faked her smiles, she loved like she hadn't got her heart broken before.

She was completely unprotected from all the horrible cause of being hurt like everybody else and yet she didn't bother to put her guard on.

She loved like it would always be the last time. There was no space for fear and resentment in her heart

She had grown accustomed to pretend like she wasn't hurt at all. She was too jovial to conceal what she truly felt which conceived many.

But one had seen her true self from the cracks of her beautiful smile and it was you.

"Look, sweetie. Just chill. Just stare at me and kiss me softly. Focus on my lips and nothing else. Let's just get this done, shall we?" She cracked a small smile, her hand that was cupping your cheek had left its place. Suddenly, you felt abandonment hit me again, her hand kept you warm. It was a perfect fit. 

How could she be so chill? You thought to yourself, you didn't even know that word anymore the moment you laid your eyes upon her

She strode off, walking toward her trailer, probably getting her make up done again. There you are, standing in the middle of the set, looking like a dumb child. You was still processing it all, how the hell you got this job -or better yet this role. This wasn't the role you auditioned for exactly two months earlier and was expecting to be one of the greys, an extra but damn, here you were playing a young lesbo whose got lust for the bitch who ruled the outpost 3. 

"We're gonna roll again in thirty minutes guys! Go get touched up." Yelled by a man in the background.

"Hey, you're (y/n) right? I'm Neia and I'll be assisting you. I'm sorry I'm late I should be here four hours ago but things got fucked up and-" Said by a lady probably in her late 20's I guess. She looked nice. You scanned her as the words poured out her lips nonstop. You were just there standing in front of her but not listening.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm okay. I'm twenty-one and not entirely helpless." You both chuckled and she checked her phone for a bit then she looked back at you

"Hm, you're sharing  room with Lady Paulson. Now let's go." She wasn't stern or bossy, she looked nice and you hope she really was because if she wasn't that would be a bummer. 

After some few scenes it was all wrapped up for the day, it wasn't as hassle as you thought it would be, where staffs were yelling, running and panicking to get things done, today was chill. Loneliness hit you right on your forehead when you realized that Paulson hadn't showed up since the your last scene with her and when you got back to the trailer she wasn't there either. 

You were kind of hoping that maybe, just maybe you could bid her a good night before retiring off but since she was nowhere else to be seen you just decided to get packed.

Then your phone started ringing, the vibration was enough to caught your attention making you stop from putting your things in your bag. It was George. You faced palm and run your fingers through your tangled locks.

"George! for the last time I told you I already have plans this evening I can't just drop them. I'm gonna be screwed. You know it, we talked about this." You almost yelled but kept yourself at bay, you couldn't lose it not while you were on the set where bunch of people could hear you.

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