Mina's Good Girl (Wilhemina Venable ft you)

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12. "Oh, no. She's not drinking tonight."
        "And you are?"

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You sat there, unentertained and craving for a glass of alcohol. Even though you weren't that fond of these kind of drinks you thought having one glass wouldn't hurt much.

It was Billie Dean Howard and Nora Montgomery's engagement party and they celebrated it in a bar down town, your boss who you had a confusing relationship with had asked you to tagged along with her at this party and she was Wilhemina Venable.

Cordelia Goode was there, Audrey and her arm candy and possibly something more Sally Mckenna and so many more of their friends.

Mina was busy conversing with Lana Winters on the other side of the packed room with another blonde so you thought it would be a great opportunity to order some alcohol for yourself. An attractive man maybe in his late twenties winked at you as he served the other customers their drinks, you sat on the stool and waited for your turn.

The loud music on the background could never mask away the sound of the frightening thuds of Wilhemina Venable's cane. You felt shiver ghosting all over your skin, right before you knew it she was behind you and her hand slammed on the counter. "Two classic martini." Venable said making the man jumped a little behind the counter. He nodded and get on his work.

Alongside Venable was Cordelia, the witch had an amused grin stuck on her lips.

"What did you order, sweetheart?" The woman who had a gentle voice and seducing aura asked, but Venable answered immediately before you could.

"Oh, no. She's not drinking tonight." And your eyes widened at this. How dare she decided for you. You narrowed your eyes at her, pissed of what she just said. "And you are?" you snapped glaring at her. Surprised with how you were acting, Venable's eyes darkened as she looked down at you with that pretty smug smile of hers on display.

Usually that face would make you regret things that you had said but right now, you didn't care. You wanted to drink and that was final.

"I'm an individual who seeks to have fun tonight! Get drunk, smoke cigarettes, do things I haven't done before! I wanna let myself loose and be lost! Maybe I want to kiss somebody–yeah! I'd definitely do that and who knows maybe sleep with them tonight but how could I do that!" You burst out. Wilhemina Venable watched you with calmed eyes.

"You're still not drinking, you hear me?" She said getting her glass of martini on the counter. It infuriated you that whatever that woman says you had to obey her like you couldn't decide for yourself.

"Ugh!!!! Fine! But don't expect I'm gonna behave. Goodbye Ms. Venable!" hopping off the stool, you where looking for the exit. "And see you tonight–that's if I'm coming back in our hotel room!" you added and that only made Venable cackle mockingly at you.

"Maybe you should talk to her," Cordelia said as they watch you squeezed yourself in the crowd of poeple

"Oh Delia, don't worry yourself much. I know every bit of that girl. She's just gonna lock herself in her room, sulking until she gets over it and will probably watch Disney movies and bloating herself with ice cream and popcorn. She's not who she claimed to be." The woman in purple calmly explained and taking a sip of her drink.

It was true. What Wilhemina Venable had stated was all facts.

The reason why she didn't let you drink was because once your system was invaded by alcohol you weren't yourself anymore. Mostly you ended up doing stupid things like getting yourself in trouble and Venable wasn't having that. She was only trying to protect you by being a bitch on you.

She cared but she'd never show it directly, like offering you sweetly chocolates and flowers – oh, hell no. Mina had the tendency of showing the opposite more often. She just simply couldn't accept the fact that you already had won over her heart.

The moment you stepped in her office wearing a summer lavender dress, oh dear sweet baby Jesus. Wilhemina was starstruck with you. Then months passed, that feeling only grew. You were sweet, adorable too appealing.

Mina hated how sweet you could be, because you were sweet to all. To everyone you met. Your power charm was too strong it never failed to make everyone like you but Mina refused to fall for those charms but falling for you was inevitable.

All those morning coffees with a little note on the side and smiley face, Mina kept them all inside her drawer. It was like her greatest possession.

When you arrived in the hotel room where you two would be staying for two nights, you dumped yourself on your bed, pouting and frowning like a child. You screamed multiple times on the pillow and when you were done, you pulled yourself up, readied something to eat and pulled out your laptop to watch some movies.

In the midst of watching Maleficent, you remembered what you told your boss. You grimaced at yourself. Two tubs of ice cream was consumed and half bowl of pop corn. Looking at the clock by the time the movie was finished it was already 2 in the morning.

After cleaning everything, you tucked yourself in your bed but sleep wasn't settling in your eyes.

You kept thinking about her and that blonde chic she was with... maybe there was something more between them than friendship. The thought of that made you flinched a bit.

"Don't be ridiculous! Mina won't kiss you if it meant nothing for her!"

Yes, she kissed you, yesterday when you wouldn't shut up about the movie you had watched and it was driving the woman nuts so she kissed you. She didn't know what came over her and just did that. You saw it in her eyes, the feelings she had always keep buried underneath a mean façade.

After that she pushed you aside and acted busy.

Mina entered the room and was greeted by nothing and darkness. Her heart started pounding when she thought you were still out and probably hanging out with strangers but the sight of empty tubs and bowl of popcorn on the counter top of the kitchen made her feel at ease.

She smirked at herself knowing she was right all along.

The faint creaking sound of the door as it opened alarmed you, it was mina.

You closed your eyes, faking your sleep but again, Mina knew better. She entered the room, put her care against the wall and started undressing. You didn't move, eyes were still closed.

Once Mina was dressed in one of your baggy shirts she joined you in your bed and hugged you from behind. "I knew you'd always be my good girl." She commented before placing a soft kiss just behind your ear.

You relaxed in her arms and scooted closer to her body letting her embrace all of you. And finally, sleep weighed on your eyes.

𝐏𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐒♡ ✔Where stories live. Discover now