Engagement Ring ( Sarah Paulson ft. You )

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She smiled endlessly this day. Her soul spoke to me through her brown eyes that were glistening with enthusiasm telling me that the joy she could feel was overflowing. Her cheeks were tinted with pink shade just enough to match the roses in her hands that I gave when I picked her up. She looked so adorable, she always does

God, I love her so much. I would give up anything in this world just to see her happy and by the mention of anything I meant it, literally anything in this world.

We were now outside, just us two. Enjoying each others company. I missed her, we had been apart for a month and being away from her really sucked, it was like half of me was left with her. I was in San Francisco doing business whilst she was in New York busy with her career life. Last night she called, asking me about my schedule for the next few days I knew even if I was full she would have it in her own way. She would take me away anyway so even if I had some meetings to attend to, some paintings to finish I said "Nope, I'm free. You can have me whenever you want"

I was willing to throw them away, to abandon them just to be with her, I knew she would do the same...but I didn't how long.  So the same night she told me she booked at first class ticket leaving at midnight so early in the morning I was at the airport waiting for my lady. 

On the way to the rest house by the beach that I recently bought Sarah couldn't stop herself from touching me. Wasn't a sexual way, no. She just held my free hand though she knew she had to let it go since I wasn't used to driving with just one hand.

"I'm so happy," She blurted out, I didn't know if it was just for herself or if she was talking to me. Her chocolaty eyes were darted on the blanket of stars. I could see the whole universe in those eyes, I was so lost in them. "How come you're the only one who can make me feel this way?" tilting her her a little upwards her eyes met mine. She was now laying flat on the cold sand with her head resting on my lap. I was doing wonders with her hair, drawing circles in a slow motion and just simply stroking it. I chuckled with a questioning aura. "Feel what Sar? I'm just making knots with your hair." She shrugged her shoulders, lips were pouting making me look somewhere else. 

"I mean she does that too but I can't seem to find the same comfort. Whatever." Case closed. Her way of saying Whatever meant she didn't want to elaborate anymore about that topic so I let her.

We just laid there on the sand, her admiring the beauty of the night as for me I was devouring every second I was with her. Cherishing how close her body was, the warmth it gave me, the solace I knew she could only bring me for I knew I wasn't sure anymore when could be the next time I could have her just for myself.

"Sarah?" her names just rolled out, unplanned.
"Yes, sweetie?" that name, it was the only endearment she used for me, it was exclusively just for me. In any occasion she would only call me that as if that was my name. In fact I could count the times she called me by my name and those times were when we had argument.
"I missed you, Sarbear. Felt like hell without you." A tear rolled down my cheek, it was true it wasn't the same without her. In the end of the day I always craved for her presence. She signaled me to lower my face then she pulled me even closer by holding the back of my neck. Her plump lips were hot on my forehead, it stayed there for a couple of seconds. 

I missed you, baby I heard her voice five years ago from now. Whenever we would see each other after a long tiring day from work she would say that with a peck on my forehead. My heart ached with the mere thought of the past. What I am gonna do without you? it made the situation worse. 

Fragments of memories from before kept coming back, creating a black cloud around my head. Her voice was haunting me. 

"I'm never gone, I'm always here." the point of her finger made contact with my chest, reminding me the first time we separated I could clearly remember that day when she had to be away because she got a big project in Los Angeles. From time to time she always came back but then it changed. That was true though, that she never left in my heart. 

"Yeah..." that was all I could respond. I wish I was still there.
"Let's get going. It's pretty chilly now and late. I'm hungry." She stood up and removed the traces of sand that got on her clothes. 

"So Paulson, what's the surprise?"
"You have to wait until we get to the house, sweetie." 

I started to jog my way towards the house that was only few meters away leaving Sarah behind.

"hey wait up!"
"Growing old now, are we?" I teased, I spun around to face Paulson with a mocking smile but still walking away. I just hoped I knew better a second ago. Sarah's now short hair was now in lose waves, wearing a black set of bikini topping it with a white flannel that was obviously big for her size with four buttons undone showing her perfect cleavage. I couldn't stop admiring her body especially her ass and collar bone they were thing when it comes to her.
"Fuck off!" She fired back with a laugh.
"You're so slow! don't make me come back there and tickle you." before I drool over her I turned around again so my back was now facing her.
"You little fucker!" before I knew it I was on the ground with Sarah on top of me, assaulting my sides with her slender fingers. 

After that Sarah held me close, securing me by her side so I won't run away from her. Canvas of night sky spread across the horizon it was wonderful, just as how beautiful our first date was. The beach was at peace with calming waves and moonlight. It was all perfect.

"I love you, Sarah." I had to say it, my tongue had been itching  to say those words since I saw her this morning. Then we stopped, there was a long pause, awkward silence building up between up with a simple smile that appeared on her lips my anxiousness was washed away.

"I love you more, (y/n)" No, you don't...anymore. It wasn't the same exchanges of I love you, wasn't the exact same stares from before it was simple because the present was't the past. 

We held each other's hands until we arrived home though she was my home, she was my resting place in this very tiring battle with life. 

"I'm going to start our dinner. You can now change if you want." She kissed me on the cheek before heading upstairs. 

It was like the old times again. I wish I could go back, specially on those days our love was strong, I wouldn't change anything I just wanted to feel that again.

"Sweetie, I'm done! Are you?" I heard stomps from the staircase indicating she was climbing down. I felt wetness on my cheeks, I was crying?  how long had they been running down?

"Not yet, could you get the table ready for us?" I requested, I didn't want her to see in this kind of state. She agreed.

"Hey, I'm done." I said walking in with our food. 

"Cool, I'm hungry as fuck." She said clasping her palms together and rubbing them.

"Hey! tell me the surprise first." 

"Oh yeah, here it is." She took something from her pocket and opened a very small silver box and it revealed a ring, an engagement ring. My eyes watered, I had to blink them back.

"You think Lily would love it? I'm proposing to her as soon as I land tomorrow." My chest was cut open, oxygen hitched my lungs, I couldn't breathe.

I was supposed to be the one she was with, I was supposed to be the one she was proposing to, I was supposed to be the one. I wish it had been me instead... only if I didn't have to leave for my job. Yes we separated in good terms and decided to still be in touch, it seemed as though nothing changed but now things would definitely be not as the same way before. I really had to get over her.

Hi lovelieees this is pretty crappy I know but I got a lil inspired of the prompt i saw on instagram so here it is. Also I am open for  any requests just comment down or message me no problem. Thanks for reading :>

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