Chapter 4: Chocobos

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"Chocobos! Chocobos!" Prompto was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement. Frankly speaking, you welcomed his enthusiasm having had a few rough days. After sharing about your origins and the demise of your family to Gladio the following morning in Galdin, he respected your wishes to not share with the others. What warmed your entire being was his offer to be a shoulder to lean on if you ever felt lonely or missed your family. He oddly reminded you of your older cousin, Hale, who was very much like an older brother to you, but you never told Gladio this, feeling awkward considering you referred to Hale as 'Oniichan'.

Along with your nightmares, the morning turned sour when Ignis had brought in the local newspaper reporting the attack on Insomnia. The group made haste to see what had happened to the crown city, worry and fear clouding over the entire group. Worrying for their loved ones and friends who were potentially in the city at the time. You mourned for the loss of yet another place you called home, but more for Noctis who was coming into terms that the last time he spoke with his father, was when they had left for Altissia. Cor had met with you all requesting for assistance to take down the blockade leading towards the first of many other royal tombs. It was after receiving the first of the 13 Royal Arms did everyone realize the road trip had taken on a different agenda. Altissia would have to wait, considering both Noctis and Luna were pronounced dead by the media.

"Eh? No chocobos are out? How come?" Prompto whined sadly, scouring the entire of Wiz's Chocobo Post in search for at least one Chocobo.

"Sorry folks. Can't have them out while Deadeye is on the prowl. Got the birds restless ya see," Wiz explained sadly, "Unless you young ones wanna try and get rid of the vermin?"

"Sure why not?" Noctis replied shrugging.

"All right! Let's get the chocobos out and about!" Prompto cheered excitedly, only for his cowardly side to take over as the group creeped slowly towards Deadeye's den. There was temptation to scream as you all trekked on, however Gladio did well in keeping the group in check.

"We're going to need a plan," Ignis whispered.

"The advantage we have is that he has one eye and one horn out," Gladio shared as they approached the clearing of the den, "Gotta remind ourselves to thank the hunters who provided us with that advantage,"

Closing your eyes briefly, you made a silent prayer to the gods in tribute to the previous hunters who lost their lives trying to fight Deadeye, adding in another prayer for everyone's safety. Your eyes opened to find Gladio's worried eyes fixed on you. You blinked a few times in confusion noticing that everyone's eyes were in fact on you.

"Are you sure you're up to this?" Gladio didn't sound confident.

"P-pardon?" You asked.

"Maybe you have stayed back at the Chocobo post," Concern also laced Ignis' voice as he pushed his glasses up on his nose.

"I'm more than... capable?" Your confidence wavered a little under Gladio's intense stare. You knew he was worried about you. But you felt it was time to show them what you could do. Having been with them for less than a week, you could feel your old self resurfacing - desperate to prove yourself to them.

"I'll be okay," You assured, directing your words more so towards Gladio, "Just aim to lure him to the oil drums in the area. Then throw a fire flask at them when he does," You suggested shrugging like it was obvious, and regretting your words as they stared at you with wide eyes.

"Oil drums?" Ignis asked.

"You didn't see any leading up to the den?" You were secretly hoping your question would throw them off.

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