Chapter 37: Belong

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"You have done well in holding up thus far. But what of your pretty young maiden? You've left the poor flower behind," A familiar and unwelcome drawling voice echoed through the carriage.

After Noctis, Gladio and Ignis had successfully defended the train from a hoard of daemons that threatened to push them off the railing and into the abyss below. Noctis was separated from the other two. He figured Ardyn wanted him alone for whatever sinister taunting he had planned.

"You're the reason why (Your Name) is missing!" Noctis growled angrily.

"Me? Such hateful words towards a wandering traveler," Ardyn gloated. "You should try looking in the mirror. Perhaps you might learn a thing or two,"

Noctis' patience was wearing thin as Ardyn continued his teasing. Disappearing and appearing time and time again in various places in the train carriage. The cat and mouse game was getting old, and it didn't help Noctis was terribly missing you. A gust of icy wind engulfed them both with connecting door slamming open. The least likely person Noctis expected entered the carriage freezing Ardyn into an ice sculpture before he could do or say anything.

Long black hair that reached past her elbows, with a straight fringe sitting just above her always closed eyes. Noctis looked up at her from the floor, having curled up to brace himself against the icy wind before.

"Your Majesty," Gentiana greeted politely.

"Gentiana," Noctis began, "What are you doing here? You should be with Luna,"

"I come with a message from your beloved,"

"My what- (Your Name)?" Noctis pushed himself up from the ground to stand up before Gentiana, who's eyes slowly opened.

"The one you seek had left something upon her passing," Gentiana explained.

Noctis felt his throat tighten as he forced himself to speak. "Her... passing?"

Gentiana didn't respond as a bright white light engulfed her, transforming her into a being never in a million years Noctis would have guessed; Shiva.

Noctis knew Gentiana was a messenger of the Gods, but he hadn't predicted she'd be one of them.

"How?" Was all Noctis managed to get out in shock.

"You know of the Astral War," Gentiana began in her true form.

"What has my journey got to do with the Astral War?" Noctis asked, worry taking over in more lives being at stake.

"You must purge the starscourge from the darkness that threatens to take over Eos. Free Ifirit from the clutches of the shrouded one," Gentiana summarised, having shown the outcome of the Astral War telepathically.

"If that is what I need do I will," Noctis felt his own body shiver from head to toe. However it wasn't an reaction to the mini indoor snow storm Gentiana created. It in realization of how mature his words sounded. Gentiana nodded proudly before disappearing after bestowing her blessing.

"WAIT!" Noctis called, remembering that Gentiana had mentioned there was a message from you. He sighed in disbelief, looking down on the ground, feeling his chest tighten.

A white glow caught his attention. It was coming from a few white orbs similiar to the ones that surrounded you when you transformed at Malmalam Thicket and when you disappeared at the clearing.

Noctis looked up to see a glowing mirage of you smiling at him. You reached out a hand to him to caress his face. Noctis wanted to close his eyes in an attempt to imagine your warm hand against his cheek, but kept them open, scared to lose sight of you.

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