Chapter 47: Battle Royale

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Just like the battle with Ifrit, Noctis had seen your silhouette for a couple of seconds before each of his companions used abilities they acquired over time. He knew Elena was at a loss trying to make sense of how she produced such a powerful barrier. She had never done it before. Ignis speculated that it was similar to the time when Noctis used your staff back in Zegnautus Keep. It was her will to protect her husband was what produced such a strong light barrier.

Gladio's prowess in combat had grown tenfold with the promise of exceeding his own father's achievements. This was evident when he engaged battle and delivered the final blow that defeated The Fierce.

Prompto was next displaying how far more advanced his sharpshooting had become by defeating The Rogue. Instead of his usual trigger-happy pattern, the number of shots he took could be counted on both his hands. They were minimal, calculated and each accurately hitting critical points as The Rogue danced around in the darkness and threw her poison shuriken.

The Royal Advisor did not disappoint either. Ignis' movements were quicker than before and did not decrease in force. His analysis of the enemy before him was deadlier than it already was, allowing many openings for anyone to make a critical hit. What made Noctis beam at Ignis was seeing The Mystic struggle to catch its breath in between every dagger or flask thrown. Even Noctis felt slightly dizzy watching Ignis.

The shapeshifters spared no expense in showing off their own growth in battle. Matias was still mischievous but teamed up very well with Gladio. The very same between Hale and Ignis, and finally Fior fighting alongside the married couple. They had grown fully accustomed to one another, which meant they teamed up often in Noctis' absence.

Noctis watched in awe, understanding that there was merit in standing back and letting his companions take the reins. He knew they did it because they wanted to do him proud, but also because they wanted him to save his energy for when he faced Ardyn.

At present, the group was all in the one elevator which took them up to their destination - the throne room. Reading the anxious glances on everyone's faces only fueled Noctis to now do his part. The rest had fought well and he knew it was time to end everything.

In true Matias-style, he broke the silence in the elevator. "You'd think the Royal castle would have made the elevator fit for a King," Fior snorted in amusement.

"Can't argue with you there kiddo," Fior let out a laugh, amusing the rest.

"I ain't no kid no more Fior-aniki! I'm pretty much as big as you now!" Matias scoffed puffing up his chest. He wasn't wrong in his declaration either.

"Please don't make this elevator a stage for another stupid muscle competition," Elena grumbled, pressing herself against Prompto to get away from her younger brother's bare chest.

"You sure you ain't using my glorious display as an excuse to get all cozy with your hubby-wubby?" Matias teased using a baby voice, making both Prompto and Elena blush furiously. I have missed... Nope, I'm really going to miss this.

"As much as I enjoy the extra attention babe. Let's save the celebrations for later," Prompto said with a wink. Matias pretended he was going to throw up with Gladio reaching over to fist bump Prompto who returned it with a grin. Ignis and Fior chuckled while Hale had his eyes closed as if wishing he hadn't heard what Prompto said. I'd feel the same if it was my sister... Lastly, the only female present looked absolutely horrified and embarrassed.

"You'll be celebrating by yourself at this stage," Elena shot back making Prompto go red and let out an awkward laugh. The rest erupted in laughter at Prompto's expense.

"Glad to see we all still have a sense of humor in light of the situation," Ignis did have a point. Noctis wouldn't have it any other way. The team dynamic was already great, but it got better when joined by the shapeshifters. He had you to thank for that.

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