Chapter 34: The Warrior

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Noctis rested for one more day before boarding the train to leave Altissia. He could still feel the uneasiness amongst the group as they made the journey to Cartanica for one of the remaining Royal Arms - The Hand of the Warrior. Noctis mostly kept to himself still not putting on the ring. He knew he was putting it off, but a part of him wanted to hold onto any ounce of hope that you disappearing was just one big nightmare. This however did not still well with Gladio.

"You need to get your head out of your ass and see that you're not the only one who has lost someone Your Majesty," Gladio had finally snapped and Noctis was well aware as to why. Noctis knew he had a responsibility as King. It was rudely shoved into his hands and he didn't know what to do with it.

"You think I don't know that already?" Noctis replied angrily standing up to his shield. He knew Gladio missed you dearly and was just as worried as he was. Whereas the shield had to carry on and continue his duty. As did the rest. This was Gladio's way of dealing with your disappearance. Noctis only wished Gladio didn't take it out on him.

"If you really wanna make something happen, you need to stop sulking and start stepping forward like the King you're supposed to be!"

"Guys! We should stop this!" Prompto started, only to be pushed back in the face by Gladio who grabbed the collar of Noctis' shirt.

"I got it! You don't have to tell me twice!" Noctis had had enough. And clearly as did Ignis.

"GLADIO! ENOUGH! May I remind you we are not the only ones present?" Noctis shoved Gladio's hand away from him, quickly scanning the room and biting the inside of his lip when his eyes met with the shapeshifters and Luna. Not wanting to deal with another lecture from Ignis, he stormed off into the next carriage which was surprisingly emptier than the former. Noctis crashed down on the nearest empty seat and exhaled deeply, adrenalin still pulsing through his veins from clashing with Gladio. He knew Gladio was right, however, that didn't necessarily mean Noctis was ready. He felt so lost without you. It was already hard imagining you away from him when you first separated at Cape Caem. What more when you were nowhere to be found?

Noctis was so lost in his thoughts that he failed to notice someone standing near his seat. He looked up to see Fior looking down at him with his usual grin. He nodded towards the seat opposite in which Noctis returned the nod, permitting his company.

"I take it you're not the only one who clashed often with Gladio?" Fior's question made Noctis raise an eyebrow in curiosity. "He and Hale are quite similar. I've only ever seen Hale mellow whenever Lunafreya-sama was in the picture,"


"Yeah. Oh! Hime-chan and Elena too," Fior's grin growing wider told Noctis that Fior had a nostalgic memory flash through his mind.

"Is that why (Your Name) gets along with Gladio so easily?"

"I was a bit surprised when she referred to Gladio as 'Oniichan'. But after spending the last few days with you guys and seeing that just then," Noctis shifted uncomfortably. "Frankly, I'm not surprised,"

"Gladio was pretty protective over her since Galdin Quay," Noctis shared.

"Yeahhh. Wasn't one of Hime-chan's finest moments,"

"She had a nightmare huh?"

"Right you are Your Majesty,"

"You don't have to be so formal,"

"I'm aware you prefer to be called by your nickname. But in public, I will always address you formally. Because what Gladio said rings true to your task at hand," Fior sighed. "I ain't saying you gotta grow up or you need to start seeing things through the eyes of a King. Just see things through your eyes, decide what you want to be done and we will carry out your will,"

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