Author's Note: Holy Cow!

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Y'all really know how to make a writer feel absolutely loved!

12K+ views?! HOLY COW!

Thank you so much for the enthusiasm, the love & enjoying the ride for this fanfiction.

This little author's note is a massive thanks for the support. This story alas is drawing to its end and I cannot thank you enough for the support it has received. I'm not going to be a meanie and tell you how many chapters are left, cause where's the fun in that aye? Hehe. Plus, I enjoy being on this ride with you guys!

There are two storylines for FFXV fans coming in.

One more for Ignis & my first one for our favorite ball of sunshine, Prompto! Stay tuned!

Don't forget to follow, comment your thoughts and vote of any of my works.

Growth is important and I value any commentary that is constructive :D Feel free to start a conversation w/ me on my profile or via private msg. I love getting to know my fellow FFXV fans & wattpad readers.

Thanks again for the love & looking forward to what you have to say about the forthcoming works!

xx 幸せ

------------------ PLUGS ------------------

I do have other works, both competed and a work in progress.

For those who love the completed stories:

To Be In Your Arms Again (Noctis x FemReader)

Routine (Ignis x FemReader)

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