Chapter 48: Hey

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"No... freaking... way!" My thoughts exactly Matias.

The same wispy silhouette Noctis had seen since entering Citadel, appeared where the bracelet was on the ground. The figure it resembled creating a tidal wave of relieved and excited facial expressions across the group. The one who was the happiest was the King himself, watching as the very person he had yearned for all these years, materialized before him.

You were back.

Judging from the familiar fitting leather pants, grey tank top, ankle boots and your hair being up in a messy bun, you were ready to unleash hell.

"If I knew I'd get the real thing by swiping a dinky bracelet. I would have done it sooner!" Viola grinned hungrily as you crouched down to pick up your bracelet. You maintained eye contact with Viola, remaining crouched, your eyes emitting danger with every second that passed.

"Was she the one that did this to you Elena?" Noctis heard you ask sternly. Elena struggled to speak so hummed once with a nod. Noctis wasn't sure how you knew, considering you never broke eye contact with the crazed woman who was practically singing in excitement. "Don't let this count as a failure Elena. If anything, what has been done unto you will be done tenfold to this misfit,"

"I'll take that as a compliment if this misfit you are referring to is yours truly," Viola beamed, flicking her hair proudly.

You sighed calmly, standing up again, putting your bracelet in your pocket and zipping it up.

"Apologies in keeping you waiting," You apologized with a sarcastic curtsey. "I was planning a wonderful reunion with my King. However, considering the current situation, I forced my way out to return the favor to the bitch who dared lay a hand on my family," This... is different. Noctis fought back a grin at your declaration. He was quite intrigued by what gave you this new dangerous air about you.

"It's not like she received anything she wasn't prepared for," Viola sneered, not hiding the pride she had in her work.

"I've been pretty bored all by my lonesome this past decade or so. I hope you will do well in helping me loosen my bones,"

"Perhaps we should let the ladies hash this out?" Ardyn's eyes looked dangerously amused. Noctis moved to the furthest end of the room, his eyes not leaving you as you stood confidently facing Viola.

In a flash, Viola lunged at you but you didn't move. Instead, you raised your right hand and swatted Viola away from you like she was merely a fly. Viola hit the nearest wall hard, with it cracking behind her from the amount of force you used. What surprised Noctis was that you remained stationary, staring ahead as if Viola was still standing in front of you.

Viola was clearly embarrassed as Ardyn's amused chuckle echoed in the room. She lunged at you again, missing completely, and getting sliced by your katana. The one-sided exchange between the two continued until it was evident you were done with the charade. Given the opportunity, you grabbed Viola's throat and slammed her on the ground. A crater forming around Viola's injured body from the impact. Viola managed a strained groan in reaction.

"For someone who was gloating before about being bored, you look pretty battered," You taunted. "I thought you were going to entertain me?" You added letting go and jumping a few meters back. Viola screamed in rage, falling into your trap. Viola transformed into a Behemoth King, roaring loudly as she prepared to charge at you. "Noct?" You called.


"If I may? My staff please?" You asked, turning to him with your hand outstretched, a gentle smile on your face. Noctis was impressed by how you managed to change demeanor so quickly. I've missed you. He nodded and threw your staff casually to you. "Thank you," You thanked, getting into a familiar fighting stance. "Oh!" You gasped, looking like you remembered something vitally important. Noctis raised a curious eyebrow when you turned back to look at him. "I missed you too," You said coyly, turning back to face Viola who was now bounding towards her. So you can read minds now?

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