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I cannot thank you all enough for the love & support for 'Listen'. All the comments, votes and follows have been so heartwarming. It really makes all the time put into writing so worth it!

I hope you'll continue to enjoy the many more stories I plan to write for y'all! Let's keep the fandom for FFXV alive!

Now onto the exciting stuff!


"You're so mean Prom! Why'd you take such an ugly photo of me?" A 20-year-old you whined, trying to grab the camera away from Prompto.

"What you mean? You look beautiful in all the photos I take!" Prompto asked, a playful grin on his face as you tip-toed to reach for the camera again.

"No way! Delete it!"

"Nope!" He teased, stealing a kiss from your lips when you tried reaching again.

"Prom!" Your face turned a million shades of pink. "That's it! I'm not talking to you unless you apologize to me down on one knee!" You declared in embarrassment, walking off in a huff.

Prompto remembered well you kept your promise back then. Ignoring his calls and text messages for two days straight. He was taking a chance, in hopes that this gesture would be acceptable, despite being the reason why you had separated.

"(Your Name)," Prompto could feel his heart pounding against his chest. "I'm so sorry babe," he apologized, the old affectionate nickname rolling off his tongue naturally. He could feel his voice giving way as he continued. "I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I'm sorry I never gave you a chance to explain yourself or to tell me about..." He stopped, unable to continue. Prompto couldn't hold back anymore, he broke down crying, crouching down at your feet with his forehead on the ground. He could hear you had started crying too, hearing your sobs and whimpers. 



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It's our favorite chocobo-loving sweetheart Prompto Argentum!!!

Be sure to follow & check out my new Prompto x Reader fanfiction 'Mistaken'.


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