Chapter 12: Trust Me

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You sighed looking at the runes again, noticing they glowed a little in the darkness. You weren't sure how long you spent looking at the runes after dinner, but Gladio handing you a mug of hot tea was a good indcator it was getting late.

"What'd I tell you about overthinking eh?" Gladio grunted, resting a hand on top of your head as you sipped your tea.

"Gladio. It cannot be a mere coincidence that a shapeshifter lures me to this clearing, uses Noct to provoke and engage in battle, and then these runes on the walls," You knew Gladio meant well, but him pushing you to not dwell on this was beginning to annoy you.

"You're gonna trigger something and end up like in Galdin Quay," He muttered quietly. You checked to see Noctis and Prompto were happily playing Kings Knight, while Ignis was reading something on his phone.

"That hasn't happened since and you know it," You defended quietly.

"But are you ready to explain if you get them night terrors again?"

"No... I'm just lucky it was only you that night,"

"What triggered you that time anyway?"

You thought back to before they checked into the hotel. A pair of cold amber eyes staring at you made you shiver.

"Ah... I understand now," You mumbled.

"Understand what?"

"Ardyn was there when my village was attacked,"

Gladio remained silent for a second before speaking, "Are you positive?" You nodded.

"I didn't really want tonight to be morbid Onii..."

"It's okay kiddo," Gladio gave you a reassuring smile, patting your head affectionately.

"What say we liven things up a little then?" You suggested with a grin, glancing over at the two boys still playing on their phones. Gladio turned to look in the same direction, glancing back at you curiously.

"Noct? Prom?" You called softly, repeating yourself again but a little louder adding a twinge of concern to your voice.

"Huh? What's wrong (Your Name)?" Prompto asked already worried.

"What's up?" Noct asked, giving you a serious look.

"Shh!" You said quickly pressing a finger to your lips and getting up slowly.

"(Y-Your N-Name)?" Prompto stuttered, staying completely still.

Crawling over to them with the stealth of a cat, you slowly made your way towards the two boys. Noctis almost turned around, only to stop and look back at you when you hissed at him, with Prompto petrified in fear beside him.

"W-What's g-g-going... on?" Although Prompto's voice was hushed, he didn't do well in hiding how frightened he was. Once you were a meter or less away from the pair, you put your plan into action.

"AHHHHHH!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, pointing right behind the pair, pretending to trip backward in an attempt to run away. Noctis made you think he was going to attack as he had summoned a dagger, only to see him throw it in Gladio's direction and warp before it hit Gladio.

In his own built-up fear, Prompto jumped up from his camping chair but tripped on one of the legs, resulting in him falling flat on his face with the camping chair falling on the top of him. What made it all that much sweeter was that he let out the loudest, girliest scream.

Silence rang amongst the group for what seemed like an eternity.

"Pfttt!" You failed in stifling your laughter, with Gladio roaring not long after you. Prompto pushed himself up from the ground and looked behind him to see there was nothing but a rock wall covered in overgrown greenery. You rolled onto your back in laughter, opening your eyes to see Noctis standing right over you with an unamused frown on his handsome face.

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