Chapter 27: Balconies

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Ignis arranged for the meeting with Camelia two days later arriving in Altissia, pestering Noctis to wear his Royal Fatigues to present himself appropriately. The previous two days were spent venturing around Altissia and discussing the potential topics of interest or concern. Noctis understood why Ignis was preparing, but he couldn't focus. He had his own dilemma to mull over.

As much as he was fine in marrying Luna in adherence to the peace treaty between the Empire and Lucis. Luna had always been a dear friend to him, but that was it. Whereas now, he had you and wanted nothing more than to indulge in his new love. His worries increased when he thought of the media spectrum of it and knew the scandalous spotlight would be on you constantly. You wouldn't be as a free as you were now. Not to mention, you had your own kingdom to look after alongside Luna and Ravus.

"Everything okay buddy?" Prompto asked, rubbing the neck of the cat that was curled up in his arms.

"I dunno," Noctis replied, his eyes still on the cat. "Is that...?"

"Yeah it's Elena-chan," Prompto confirmed.

"Why is she in, uh, cat-form?" Noctis asked.

"So she can hang around the meeting outside duh?" Prompto peered into Noctis' face clearly perturbed by Noctis' absentminded response. "You sure you're okay?"

"I just have a lot on the brain," Noctis sighed, checking himself in the mirror and adjusting his tie.

"Wanna chat? We still have time before we head over to Camelia's," Prompto asked, nudging his head towards the balcony.

"I guess..." Noctis was a little reluctant but knew it'd be best to get these thoughts out before delving into negotiations with Camelia. Prompto gently placed Elena on the end of the bed, telling her he'd be right back and to just relax while waiting to leave. Noctis cocked a curious eyebrow at his best friend before they went to the balcony.

"What's up buddy?" Prompto asked, closing the balcony doors behind him. Noctis knew he had to make things quick, knowing Ignis would be back to collect them shortly.

"I'm worried about (Your Name)," Noctis began, hearing Prompto chuckle.

"We all are. But I can see you really miss her," Prompto grinned.

"I'm more worried about what's to come after all this,"


"Luna and I are engaged. Do you realize how badly it's going to look for (Your Name) if the engagement is off and then I'm with her?" Noctis saw Prompto's expression turn serious, followed by a small smile after quickly gathering his thoughts.

"So you're gonna date (Your Name) after all this huh?" Prompto teased.

"Come on man..." Noctis groaned. "You really think I'd be doing otherwise?"

"Nope. But (Your Name) is a lot stronger than we give credit for. Everyone knows that the wedding was a gesture of peace between the Empire and Lucis. If it had been announced for love, then you would have every right to be worried," Noctis pondered on Prompto's words and sighed looking out at the beautiful city before him.

"I wish I could have shown her this. She would have loved the view," Noctis mumbled.

"You guys have a thing with balconies huh?" Noctis did not like the look on Prompto's face. It was like he knew something that could incriminate both of you.

"What do you mean?" Noctis asked carefully.

"Didn't you kiss her on top of the lighthouse in Cape Caem?" Noctis could have sworn they were alone at the time.

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