Chapter 49: Request

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Nothing could shake the eerie atmosphere that lingered within the lifeless walls of Citadel. During the one time, you were invited into the majestic palace, you were formally introduced to the four males you travelled with.

Never in your wildest dreams, did you picture that you would be back to a Citadel in ruins. You looked to the others who were still riding on the high of your return. You wanted to burst out crying again in happiness seeing how much they had changed, and how much they hadn't. They all matured and it made you full knowing they braved the darkness all to have this moment right here; together as one big happy group again. This is what we are fighting for.

Your attention turned to the current reigning King of Lucis, who stood a little away from the rest, watching everyone with a small smile on his face.

I know what you're doing Your Majesty.

Noctis was savoring what was in front of him, preparing for the task that awaited him. His eyes locked with yours, softening a little with the same love prior to your separation.

"(Your Name)!" You flinched at Gladio's bark. "You better fess up where you have been this entire time!" He continued, ruffling your hair like he always did and breaking your gaze with Noctis. You groaned pulling your bun out and shaking out your hair.

"Do you have to mess up my hair like that?" You grumbled, combing your hand through your hair, tensing a little when it took longer to get to the end. Since when did my hair get this long? What I would give for Noct to run his hand... You blinked a few times feeling your face flush from the direction your thoughts were going. Your eyes darted back to the handsome King who cocked a curious eyebrow in amusement, his arms crossed against his chest, as his all too familiar smirk formed on his face. And you asked if I could read minds... You turned your attention back to the shield who was grinning ear to ear having seen your exchange with Noctis. Damn it. Busted...

"Yup," Gladio replied grinning. "Still the same,"

"Likewise Onii," You sighed, bringing your hair to rest on your left shoulder. "I see I'm not the only one whose hair has grown," You grinned, nudging your head towards the shield.

"Yeah. Got a bit hard to maintain the sides,"

"It might also be the fact the Mrs fancies him with longer hair," Matias chimed in grinning.

You laughed as Gladio quickly glared at Matias before turning back to you with a disgruntled look.

"Did you get married in my absence Onii?" You asked curiously.

"Nah. No wedding bells yet. Maybe after all this over, I can introduce her to you," You knew what Gladio was doing. It was as if he was trying to gain reassurance your return was for good. You gave him a small smile with a nod in response. It all depends on him.

Before you could get lost in your thoughts, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around you from behind. You relaxed knowing who they belonged to since the owner had tucked his face in the crook of your exposed neck.

"Looks like someone really missed you Hime-chan," Prompto teased happily.

"10 years go by and gladly, some things haven't changed," Ignis chortled, all-knowingly referring to your shy self. Noctis stood up straight, shaking from silent laughter, kissing the side of your head as you ducked to avoid everyone's gaze.

"Glad to see you're okay though Onee," Matias said warmly, making you look up at him in awe. Yet again, his growth had you unable to believe he was the same four-year-old chubby crybaby. Matias locked eyes with you as if knowing where your mind was going. He chuckled and puffed his chest, gripping either side of his vest to further emphasize his physique.

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