Chapter 7: So Soft

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You slept well that night besides Iris ranting constantly about her older brother's carelessness. You assured her Gladio's gesture was harmless. Iris continued regardless, mentioning Gladio was known to be quite the flirt back home in Insomnia. This piece of information did not surprise you, considering how smooth he was in talking with any female within a five-mile radius.

Not being able to get much of a sleep-in despite sleeping late, you got dressed and bounded down the stairs to get breakfast only to find majority of the group in the foyer, talking amongst themselves.

"Morning (Your Name)!" It amazed you how energetic and cheerful Prompto could be every morning. His trademark goofy smile could elevate any foul mood within seconds.

"Morning Prompto," You greeted with a smile, cocking your head curiously, unsure why Prompto was so overjoyed.

"You gave the pup a pretty smile, that's why he's all flustered," Gladio grinned, answering your question and ruffling your hair.

You rolled your eyes, groaning at Gladio's explanation. "I dunno why you all make it sound like I hardly ever smile,"

"Oh, you do. It's just something we're all enjoying seeing more of," And there it was: the very thing Iris had been ranting about last night. It made you wonder whether Gladio knew what he was doing.

"I'm glad...?" You weren't really sure on how to respond, so shrugged and looked to the rest who seemed amused listening to your exchange with Gladio.

"What do you have planned this morning (Your Name)?" Ignis asked.

"I was thinking of having breakfast in the market. I heard from Iris it's quite the treat,"

"I'll join you then. I need to restock on curatives and food supplies," Ignis was already writing a list down in his notebook.


"Noct not up yet huh?" Prompto groaned looking up to the second floor of the Leville.

"It'll be a while until our princess wakes up," Gladio chortled.

"How about a walk around the area while it's only a little warm?" Jared's suggestion sounded amazing, but you could feel your stomach eating itself from its lack of contents.

"You guys enjoy!" Iris sure was cheerful for the morning too. You glanced at Prompto to see his famous mischievous smile and wondered what the pair were up to.

"What are you gonna do then Iris?" Gladio asked, also wary of her matching grin with Prompto.

"I'll stick around and wait for Noct to wake up. No doubt he'll be asking where you guys are if none of you are around," Iris explained, flashing a peace sign at her older brother.

"All right. Suit yourself. Don't be surprised if it's lunch and he still hasn't woken up yet,"

The market was busy and colorful; you loved every second of it. After having a quick breakfast at one of the outdoor food stalls at the far end of the market, you opted to follow behind Ignis as he practically waltzed from one stall to another, his shopping bags doubling by the second. You had become quite the asset with shopping, using your heightened sense of smell to pick out the best ones to last while travelling.

A certain stall caught your eye as you listened to Ignis request for several spices. It was a small table with various different glass beads and charms to mix and match. The leather straps were already beautiful by design, to add beads and charms would create a masterpiece. You smiled as you saw multiple colors and charms that reminded you of the boys. As much as you wanted to make a purchase yourself, you knew there were other things you could use the gil for. So gave the shop owner a quick smile before walking back to help Ignis carry the last of his shopping.

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