Chapter 35: Hope

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The mood was lighter when everyone regrouped at the train station. Prompto remembered Matias was 'saving' a damsel in distress, thus leading to a rather theatrical recount of his involvement during dinner in the dining car.

"Weren't you just rounding up Chocobo chicks?" Gladio teased.

"Do you know how hard it is to herd Chocobo chicks?" Matias huffed.

"Pretty sure you just lure them with fresh vegetables and then pick 'em up?" Gladio replied confidently.

"Nah-uh! No way! You gotta listen carefully to hear their chirping. Then carefully close in on them when they aren't paying attention," Matias explained in a cocky manner. "If you're stomping around like a bloody behemoth you're gonna scare the little guys off. God knows where you'd find them then!"

"You get a reward for your trouble?" Prompto asked wriggling his eyebrows.

"Heh. I don't kiss and tell," Matias smirked puffing his chest out.

"In other words, he got nothing in return," Hale grunted.

"What? That's not true!" Matias was in utter shock everyone seemed to believe Hale's words.

"Not even a phone number?" Prompto asked. Matias averted his gaze with a grunt, confirming Hale's comment.

As everyone laughed at Matias' expense, Noctis noticed Elena wasn't quite as lively as the rest. She noticed his gaze and gave a quick smile before looking to her barely eaten dinner again. Not everyone was on the same page in regards to your disappearance. Noctis had a feeling Elena wasn't at all pleased with the end result, potentially blaming herself for what happened. Prompto must have noticed Noctis' gaze as he mumbled something to Elena who gave him the same smile. Noctis had a sudden understanding of why Prompto always teased him whenever he had one of those wordless conversations with you. The feeling that a person could understand you so well and use simple gestures to respond was reassuring. It was a clear display of a strong bond between two people. Prompto raised an eyebrow at Elena, with Elena returning the gesture by raising her own, making Noctis chuckle. All right lovebirds. Are you two official yet?

The following morning, Noctis awoke to find Prompto was still fast asleep in the top bunk, while Ignis and Gladio's beds were empty. It didn't surprise him that the mother and father of the group were already out and about. Noctis stretched a little deciding to head to the dining car for breakfast. As he exited the room he saw Elena standing near the window, staring out at the passing scenery. Her eyes were still lacking the life they had prior to the summoning.

"Mornin' Elena," Noctis greeted, testing to see if she would respond. He repeated the greeting walking closer to her. Her face scrunched up a little as if remembering something painful. Noctis watched her as she turned her head in his direction, jumping in surprise seeing he was right next to her. You're as skittish as an actual cat.

"Mornin' Elena," Noctis greeted for the third time.

"Ah! Sorry Noct! Good morning!" Elena squeaked, making Noctis chuckle.

"Waiting for Prompto?"

"Ah no, I wasn't. I didn't think he'd still be asleep actually," The blush on Elena's cheeks made Noctis think otherwise.

"He's still out like a light,"

"That's okay. I'm sure he's tired. It seems like you guys had your work cut out for you when you went down to the mines," Noctis could tell Elena was trying so hard to smile. It hurt him knowing that she was pushing herself so much.

"Have you eaten yet?"

"No, I haven't. I was going to head to the dining car,"

"Care to join me?"

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