Chapter 19: Clarity

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"TO HELL WE ARE LEAVING (YOUR NAME) AND IRIS WITH YOU!" Gladio had every right to be on edge. Upon arriving in Vesperpool, an unwelcomed character appeared before you all, offering to assist in retrieving the needed mythril from the depths of Steyliff Grove ruins. The discussion was that it was too dangerous for Iris to enter. Ardyn suggested that he keep Iris and yourself company while the rest rendezvous in the ruins. This naturally did not sit well with any of the four young men, Gladio being the most outspoken.

"Oniichan..." Iris mumbled, sticking close behind her older brother. Noctis was standing protectively in front of you, glaring at the oily, magenta-haired man who only smirked at their reactions.

"What's the problem exactly? It's like they are being held here as collateral," The silver-haired beauty, introduced to them as Aranea, sighed.

"There is no merit for me in having these fair maidens shed tears," You weren't too sure whether Ardyn's words were meant to reassure them, or taunt you. Perhaps Noctis also picked up on this, seeing his gloved hand ball into a tight fist. You glanced at the others seeing their facial expressions were the same; they were torn between both of your safety and retrieving the mythril. You patted Noctis' arm before moving past him to stand in front.

"Fine," You agreed.

"OI! THIS IS NOT 'FINE'!" Gladio growled as he stalked towards you. You placed a hand on his chest and looked up at him seeing nothing but worry swarming his eyes.

"We won't be going anywhere Gladio. I will remain here with Iris until you all return with Aranea-san," You assured. Noctis came up to you as well. His intense stare made you feel like he was burning every single worry he had into you. You loosened the bracelet he gave you for your birthday, taking it off and putting it on his wrist. His eyes widened at you for a split second, huffing at your actions and accepting your decision. He was still frowning after you tightened the strap, nodded at him with a reassuring smile and beckoned Iris to come with you.

"Another wordless conversation," You winked at Prompto, your reassuring smile slightly widening. Prompto's comment was his own way of lightening the mood and acknowledging you had made up your mind.

It wasn't long until the guys reluctantly left to enter Steyriff Grove, stealing a few last glances at both of you girls before disappearing into the newly opened staircase.

"I am rather curious in what made you go along with my suggestion my dear. You, out of all of them, seemed the least likely to agree," Ardyn pondered, taking a seat on a nearby broken stone pillar.

"The sooner they retrieve the mythril. The sooner we get to leave," You answered bluntly, hearing a light chuckle from the man.

"You sure picked up quite the attitude. One could almost say you're quite hostile towards me. I don't believe I've done anything to deserve such treatment," You could tell he was trying to get into your head, but you refused to give in.

"Not at all. I don't believe in getting chummy with strangers," You replied, feeling Iris quiver a little as she hugged your arm seeking comfort. You patted the top of her head as she rested it on the back of your shoulder, hoping the guys would be okay and wishing they would come out of the dungeon already.

You closed your eyes and breathed deeply, thinking to meditate and conserve your energy. You weren't sure what Ardyn's end game was but you sure as hell weren't going to let your guard down. Your only problem was Noctis' intense stare before they left. It reminded you when Noctis told you privately to never transform in front of Ardyn. This was while the group were trekking nack through Malmalam Thicket to the Regalia. Based on your nightmare, Ardyn had supposedly been around during the attack on your village, Noctis shared his concern that Ardyn may have the serum on hand at all times. Although it was quite a serious topic, your heart fluttered for the extreme lengths Noctis overcame his awkwardness towards you to ensure you were prepared and safe.

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