Chapter 20: Reunion

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The lack of confrontation with any Magitek ships was beginning to concern Ignis and Gladio. Prompto claimed the mini-holiday from fighting scrap heads was a good thing, whereas Gladio expressed that it only meant something was coming. When Insomnia first fell, you would see at least one hovering nearby every other day. As your group continued from Vesperpool to Cape Caem, you only ever saw one and managed to avoid engaging in battle.

You were on edge for a different reason. Ever since Malmalam Thicket, the scent of those shapeshifters always seemed to just tease your nose whenever you stopped for a break or camped at a nearby haven. It wasn't until you decided to confirm another one of your hunches did things truly made sense to you.

"Say (Your Name)! Any chance you can transform into a Griffin so I can have a joy ride too?" Iris asked excitedly, her face barely inches from yours. You moved your face back, feeling Noctis' face press against your hair. He must have turned to look at Iris. Damn it. Sitting pressed against Noctis was proving to be too much for your heart to handle.

"(Your Name) isn't some kind of mule you can use for joy rides Iris," Gladio groaned.

"What! Of course not! But she gave Prompto a ride!" Iris huffed.

"If anyone gets to have a joy ride next it's me!" Noctis grumbled behind you, nudging your head with his nose.

"Heh..." Prompto was clearly thinking in the gutter.

"Honestly..." You mumbled looking up at the sky and frowning. "Ignis, You might want to put up the car roof. It's going to rain very soon," After noticing the wind picking up and the clouds nearby a little darker shade than usual.

"Noted," Ignis said, "How long?"

"Maybe in the next 15 minutes?" You estimated catching a whiff of moisture in the air. Something concerning also caught your attention and it was coming from the very direction you were heading in.

"Seriously it's like your psychic or something," Iris commented in amusement.

"Maybe you should read Noct's mind right now," Prompto teased, you were honestly surprised your eyes had not decided to stay at the back of your head from the millions of times you rolled them. You closed your eyes trying to focus on the scent you picked up on, opening them almost instantly and looking around. Good no cars. You patted Noctis arm lightly, not really meeting his gaze when his head turned in your direction. You were starting to believe he could read you like the back of his hand. You shifted your position so you were facing to the back of the car, kneeling up ready to act out your crazy plan.

"Is everything all right (Your Name)?" Ignis asked. He must have seen your intense stare earlier and your new 'sitting' position.

"Yeah. Just need..." You started before pushing Noctis hands away from you and giving him an apologetic grin, "... to make a quick pit stop," You finished immediately pushing yourself up from the seat, hearing everyone panic as you leaped from the moving car.

"OI!" Gladio bellowed as Ignis hit the brakes and instantly parked the Regalia in the emergency side lane. You didn't wait for your companions to catch up to you, transforming into a Coeurl and bolting in the direction the scent of fresh blood was coming from.

You ran through Secullam Pass, scouring through the bushes trying to get closer to whom you were looking for. Your eyes landed on a rock formation which seemed to have an entranceway for a small clearing. The stench of blood intensified immediately as you entered and you could feel yourself becoming light-headed, similar to when you all pursued Deadeye. You stalked cautiously until you saw whom you were looking for. Lying stained in their own blood was an Anak, unable to move due to a large gash across her side. It saw you and immediately tried moving back away from you. You transformed back to your human form running to the injured beast, tears in your eyes as you checked over it. It cried out in pain when your fingers merely grazed over the wound. You knew this was a Hunter's doing. A familiar ringtone rung from your back pocket. You took the phone out, completely forgetting that you had Noctis' phone still in your pocket. Instead of answering, you sent a message straight to Prompto, telling him you'd turn on the location marker on Noctis' phone. The cheeky boy's reply made you roll your eyes once again, before turning your attention back to the injured beast before you.

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