Chapter 43: Warm

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Waking up to darkness was something Noctis expected, considering it was dark when he was sucked into the crystal. What he hadn't expected was a note to be handed to him by Umbra, and heading to Hammerhead driven by the very child whom you had comforted all those years ago.

As Talcott caught him up to speed on what had happened in his absence, what shocked Noctis the most was that 10 years had passed, and you were still nowhere to be seen. Ignis had done well in keeping the group together, considering everyone felt lost when Noctis disappeared. Not once had any of them lost hope that he would return, it was just a matter of when.

Noctis felt a sense of pride seeing Talcott had grown into quite the strong-willed and independent young man. But what made Noctis happier was seeing the Cactuar figurines you had gifted him before leaving Cape Caem. Talcott must have noticed his gaze on them; he chuckled gaining Noctis' attention.

"If I may Your Majesty," Talcott began, a warm fondness dancing in his eyes as he glanced at the figurines before back to the road ahead. "There hasn't been a day when I've thought of (Your Name)-oneechan and prayed for her safe return,"

"I'm glad I'm not the only one,"

"Since you have returned to us, I feel there is more hope that she'll be returning too,"

"Couldn't agree more,"

"You know. It was me who spoke about Ojiisan so openly to those soldiers from Niflheim. I am the reason why he was killed. Though I'm surprised that Iris and I were spared, considering I told them so much about our life in Lucis," Talcot shared, his grip tightening on the steering wheel.

"That is something you shouldn't hold onto Talcott. Your grandfather did not stand up strong against them, only for his beloved grandson to live with guilt and regret," Noctis felt like he was speaking more to himself than Talcott in the current situation.

"I know. (Your Name)-oneesan didn't let me go to bed without ensuring I believed so,"

"Was that when she brought you to bed? The night we returned to Lestallum?" Talcott nodded, a nostalgic smile forming on his face. "What just popped into your mind huh?" Noctis asked curiously, enjoying the tender expression on Talcott's face more than the sullen one prior.

"I... I just remembered the time (Your Name)-oneesan was comforting me. Even though I was eight already, she carried me and cradled me similar to how my mother did when I was younger. The way she stroked my hair and spoke encouraging words, made me feel loved," Noctis smiled to himself, remembering well when you had done the exact same thing for him. You hadn't carried him like Talcott, but your loving embrace was potentially the most loved and safest he felt in so long.

"Yeah. (Your Name) really knows how to make you feel that way,"

"I think what makes the memory better for me Your Majesty," Talcott continued, as Hammerhead came into view, "Was you coming over to check up on me,"

"Oh?" Noctis asked, cocking a curious eyebrow, "Why?"

"It's practically like what the others said. It was like you were my father and (Your Name) was my mother," Talcott's words made Noctis tighten. If things were different, would we have had a family together?

Noctis shook his inner thoughts as he jumped out of the truck, looking around at a rather sullen looking Hammerhead garage. Takka's Pit Stop was no longer thriving with hungry customers, but now serving as a hub for weapon storage, meetings, and most likely recent hunts or news. Black debris of god knows what, flew in the air, and there wasn't a shred of light to be seen, with the exception of lights of the diner, the weaponry truck, and other vehicles within the vicinity.

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