Chapter 29: Story Time

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You chose to sit on the armchair in the room, while everyone positioned themselves around you. Noctis sat on the couch next to you, his eyes locked to Gladio who was leaning on the wall near you and unimpressed with the mood in the room. Noctis could relate. You being so cryptic was not easing his worries, and he could only imagine how Elena, Matias, and even Hale were feeling. Matias was right in feeling cheated. You all only just got back together as a family.

"Shall I get started?" You asked, doing your best to push your exhaustion away.

"Don't push yourself if you're not up to this," Ignis urged.

You shook your head. "It's now or never right? Besides, when are we going to have another opportunity like this?" Noctis saw worry wash across everyone's faces. You bit your lip, realizing you had chosen the wrong words to express yourself.

"Sorry..." You apologized.

"Our awkward princess does it again," Noctis was grateful seeing his best friend had found a little slither of a the silver lining in the situation. Prompto's chuckle seemed to ease you, but even the happy-go-lucky chocobo boy couldn't lessen the tension in the room.

"In the land of Tenebrae, there were two families whose sole purpose was to rule and maintain the light of the world," You began, "There was the Oracle, whom through many generations, assisted the Lucian Royal line in protecting the peace of Eos. And the other protectors of the forests and the Tenebrae Royal Family.

These two families possessed different abilities which in turn, were bound to work together to fight against the darkness. There was the Royal family who maintained order within Tenebrae and were the beacons of light to all of Eos. Then there was the Guardians of the Forests, sworn protectors of the Royal family, whom all lived in secret. Often their kind would be called upon to serve and protect the Lucian Royal family, in turn earning great trust between the two nations."

"I would presume these two families were the Fleuret family and the Shapeshifters," Ignis summarised, receiving a nod from all four shapeshifters present.

"I loved this story when we were younger. I just didn't realize, it held more truth," Elena sighed.

"Two sisters within the Royal family were revered for their talent as daughters of the Oracle. Working towards supporting the Chosen King should he be born in their era. Yet one act of the younger sister ruined their peaceful life, but not by choice.

The younger sister had fallen for the Guardian Chief's son, in which she fell pregnant by him. The older sister, fearing for her sister and her unborn baby's safety, insisted that they leave the castle and raise the child within the forests, away from prying eyes and enemies. The young sister failed to see her older sister's concern until her pregnancy was found out by their parents. The younger sister was banished from the palace, and the chief's son was banished from the forests.

Now when the unborn child was born, a prophecy was presented to the older sister, in which she did not reveal to her parents in fear of her unborn nephew or niece's safety. The prophecy foretold of a child born of light and earth, to surpass the abilities of both families, to which would, in turn, would protect the Oracle of her time and the light of her being, at the cost of their own life,"

"Your fiancé told us that you were related to the Fleuret family before we arrived in Altissia, I take it that you are the hybrid of the two families. Lunafreya-sama and Ravus-sama are your cousins?" Gladio asked.

"Yeah. They are," You replied.

"I remember they used to come and visit us every now then," Fior recounted.

"So you had a good relationship with them?" Prompto asked.

"I don't have a lot of memories of them to be honest," You replied, "Just a few when Ravus used to carry me around before Matias was born,"

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