Chapter 14: Why?

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You really should have paid attention to where you were flying to. As you perched yourself on a tree, wanting nothing more than to transform back and cry, you looked around your surroundings only to scoff at your sense of direction. You had flown west only to end up exactly where you and the rest were heading - the Royal Tomb. Finding a small space on the far left of the royal tomb, you flew down, transforming back and sitting atop a fallen log. You leaned back against the cold stone of the tomb and stared up at the blue sky, watching the clouds drift by.

Why was it, that you had to realize something so obvious, in the midst of dealing with such an embarrassing ordeal? You felt the tears you had been holding back roll down your cheeks. You were so desperate to deny the very feeling deep in your heart, that you ended up angering the very person who made that same heart burst open. Yes. You finally came to realize you had developed feelings for the young King of Lucis. Whom was also betrothed to the Oracle and was currently collecting the Royal Arms, to fight for his home and be reunited with his beloved.

Not once did you touch on the topic with Noctis privately. But even you couldn't forget the way his eyes changed whenever Luna was mentioned. You remembered how he blushed when Gladio teased Noctis at camp, his worry that you joining them would cause the Oracle to be jealous. The way he reacted was far too obvious to deny there wasn't something there. You were just joining them for the fun and to see the world through a different scope.

In this situation, getting closer to Noctis was only going to trouble him for when they went to save Luna. After you had finished crying your eyes out, a voice startled you.

"Why do you cry fair maiden?" A middle-aged man asked kindly, handing you a handkerchief. You accepted it carefully, not taking your eyes off him, worried that you hadn't noticed his scent earlier. His scent smelt familiar yet foreign; a mix of water and fresh soil.

"Uh... I just..." You stuttered, feeling your shy nature taking over.

"Perhaps it's because of a young man?" His guess reminded you of Jared's wise intuition, "I see..." He chuckled when he received no answer, "I won't hurt you, dear. Your scent tells me you're not from here, but you are someone I shouldn't fear,"

"Who are you?"

"I am Eduardo Agustin, the guardian of the Royal Tomb of Pious. I have a contract with my master here and have been at his tomb ever since,"

"Wait... master?"

"I'm a shapeshifter like you, my dear," Eduardo chuckled, "Surely you would have noticed that we share a similar scent no?"

"I did... But I wasn't sure," You mumbled, finding comfort hearing in Eduardo chuckle again; he reminded you of your uncle.

"I remind you of someone don't I?" Eduardo asked knowingly.

"Yes. My Uncle,"

"I see. It's nice to hear that our kind is still around, although scattered across the world now,"

"Did we always reside in one place?"

"Yes. In the forests of Tenebrae. Until Niflheim discovered our kind, despite the Royal Family of Tenebrae protecting us,"

"Ah. So that's how the Dalisayin runes are in the clearing further down,"

"Yes. This area used to be the main recovery camp for our wounded soldiers. It was my generation who joined the great Royal family of Lucis to reclaim peace and ensure the prosperity of Lucis,"

"I guess our kind and the Royal family of Lucis go all the way to the beginnings huh?"

"Yes, they do my dear. Although I am quite surprised that there are still shapeshifters residing in Tenebrae. I thought those villages to be destroyed,"

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