Chapter 46: Abundance of Gifts

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Meeting the Kingsglaive and seeing hope return in the exhausted soldiers faces really put into perspective how much weighed on the group's shoulders. After assisting Cor in taking down several Niflheim bases amongst the ruins of Insomnia, it was time to finally approach the Citadel, a place Noctis once called home.

There was just one, of potentially many, big problem.

Ardyn had gone out of his way in preparing a welcoming gift: a wall similar to the magical barrier that once protected Insomnia. What made matters worse was a hoard of daemons were charging towards them, thirsty for bloodshed.

"I didn't think we'd end doing pest control," Prompto groaned, summoning his guns in preparation. Elena must have gotten impatient as she tried using her powers as a Coeurl on the barrier, only for the lightning shock waves to be absorbed.

"Got any ideas?" Matias yelped, before transforming into a Griffin and taking down the nearest daemons.

"Luna," Hale breathed, directing everyone's attention to none other than the Oracle herself with Gentiana beside her.

"Gods hear my plea. Lend your Chosen King your strength. So that he may fulfill what was prophecized," Luna's voice echoed powerfully with Gentiana confirming her request had been heard.

What followed had the shapeshifters and the Royal entourage watching in awe. One by one, each of the five celestial Gods Noctis had forged covenants with arrived, eliminating the daemons and attacking the barrier with all their might.

After Bahamut delivered the final blow and the barrier crumbled, Noctis' eyes fell onto his childhood friend who stood firmly with poise.

"Thank you Luna," Noctis knew his thanks weren't merely enough to express the gratitude he had for the selfless acts Luna had done thus far. But from the pride that shone brightly in her eyes as they held their gaze, he knew Luna understood. She politely bowed and with a reassuring smile gracing her face, nodded for him to proceed.

Taking the first few steps into the main driveways of Citadel really brought Noctis back down memory lane. From the times he eagerly awaited his father returning from his long political trips to the fateful day he left to meet Luna in Altissia. Noctis looked around as the group cautiously approached the front steps. The still eerie atmosphere didn't linger as they were greeted warmly by a Cerberus and the hot-headed Ifrit. With the quick thinking of the shapeshifters, it didn't take long to confuse the three-headed beast and bring it down. It was Ifrit who proved to be a challenge even with the shapeshifter's using their best-winged transformations to direct the fire away from the royal entourage.

"You need to pull out the big guns Noct!" Prompto yelped as he jumped over a fallen pillar to take cover from the inferno that was coming his way.

"Cause it's that easy," Gladio retorted shielding Noctis as the intense heat from the blaze prior lingered.

"What I would give for a snow cone right now!" Matias yelped, landing just in time next to Prompto.

"Wait! If you're here. Where's Elena?!" It was like Prompto had turned into Ifrit himself. His face turned furious as he jolted up and frantically looked to the skies for his wife. Noctis got up immediately to also search the skies, to see Elena dodge another beam of fire from Ifrit but be hit by his tail instead. "ELENA! NO!" Prompto called out running at full speed to meet where she was going to land. With one massive leap, Prompto caught and shielded her as they landed on the hard ground. Noctis felt the hairs at the back of his neck stand up hearing Prompto's agonizing cry as he landed.

"Aniki! Hang on!" Matias called running over to them at full speed, only to be knocked out of the way of Ifrit's tail by Hale.

"HE'S AIMING FOR ANIKI AND ONEECHAN AGAIN!" Matias bellowed, pushing himself off the ground and running back towards the wounded couple alongside Hale. Ignis, Fior and Gladio made haste to distract Ifrit while Noctis also did his best to reach Prompto and Elena. Elena had awoken from taking the hit from Ifrit's tail in the nick of time. Noctis' eyes widened when he saw a whispy silhouette form beside her. Elena was too distracted by Prompto's injured state to notice.

"ONEECHAN! LOOK OUT!" Matias yelled, still trying to make his way over while avoiding the erratic movement of Ifrit's tail.

"GET OUT OF THERE NOW!" Hale roared.

"NO! I'M NOT LEAVING MY HUSBAND BEHIND YOU IDIOTS!" Elena yelled back angrily, grabbing a potion and pouring it into Prompto's mouth.

Noctis threw several ice flasks to Ignis and Fior to use and buy them time.

"INCOMING!" Matias called from the distance before transforming into a wyvern to join Fior. "ONEECHAN LOOK OUT!"

As Noctis desperately tried to reach Elena and Prompto, Ifrit did well in making it extremely difficult. Noctis kept his eyes on the silhouette beside Elena, his heart beating a million miles per second knowing exactly who it was.

Time slowed as everyone frantically tried to reach the injured couple, desperately instructing Elena make a move. Even Noctis could tell that Prompto in his weakened state was telling Elena to leave him to save herself. Elena shook her head with tears rolling down her face. She immediately pulled her husband to sit up. While hugging him tightly to her with one arm, she held out her other hand towards Ifrit and yelled in rage. Just as Ifrit's tail was about to make impact, a bright white light blinded everyone suddenly. When Noctis' eyes readjusted again after the majority of the light faded, he saw a barrier of light protecting the two as Ifrit's tail continuously thrashed against it. Knowing that in Elena's injured state the barrier wouldn't last for long, Noctis decided enough was enough. He would not stand by being protected, only to watch his most loyal companions sacrifice their lives. He, in turn, would no longer be the one protected.

Feeling a surge of power run through him, he summoned the very person he knew had a chance of calming the hot-headed tyrant. Shiva's multiple ice fairies danced around Ifrit almost teasingly, freezing his thrashing tail first and relieving Elena of holding up the shield protecting her and Prompto. Soon enough Shiva's spell spread throughout the entirety of Ifrit's body, creating a beautiful ice sculpture of the defeated God. Noctis nodded in acknowledgment and bolted towards the injured couple who were wrapped in each other's arms in relief. Prompto was proudly wiping the last of Elena's tears as the rest approached them.

"You really are as stubborn," Prompto chuckled.

"If there is one thing I'll always be stubborn about, it's leaving you behind," Elena huffed, taking Prompto's hand to pull herself up from the ground.

"Can't argue with that," Prompto shrugged exaggeratedly. "I guess she really does dig me," He laughed, earning a playful shove from both Matias and Gladio. "Oh come on guys! You can't hurt the injured here!" He grumbled as Ignis passed him a stronger potion. This was only the beginning of their mission.

"I'm pretty sure you'll be injured for real if you don't shut up," Elena sighed, patting her husband's shoulder and nudging her head towards her fuming older brother. Elena's laugh followed after Prompto gulped and began profusely apologizing to Hale who did what he did best: glare. What Prompto failed to see was that Hale wasn't bothered by the recent events. He was more or so proud of Prompto's heroic resolve to protect his wife.

"Hey, guys. You might wanna ditch the brother-in-law comedic act and brace yourselves," Matias gulped worriedly after they entered the main doors of Citadel.

"I think I'd rather be glared at by my brother-in-law, to be honest," Prompto hung his head seeing what awaited them. Noctis couldn't agree more. Watching Prompto quiver under Hale's intense stare was far more entertaining and less tiring.

Ardyn had far exceeded their expectations in leaving them with many gifts to play with, this time the gifts were a daemonised resurrection of one of the historic Kings of Lucis - The Fierce. The Fierce stood there intimidatingly with his mace, ready to inflict some serious damage.

"You have got to be kidding me," Prompto and Matias groaned in perfect sync as they prepared themselves for another battle.

"Think of it this way," Noctis started, as he prepared himself also. "(Your Name) is not that far now," Grinning to himself as he saw everyone's moods lift by his words.

Was that the reason why you let me see you? To let me know we're close?

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