Chapter 26: Bold

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Weskham was a character of his own. He welcomed the group cool as a cucumber and immediately informed them that should they need intel, they need only to ask.

Noctis slumped on the stool he sat on as the others ordered their drinks. Elena hadn't said a word since leaving the gondola, making Noctis curious as to whether she was prepared to share why you were left behind.

"This is quite the place," Prompto said as he admired the bar on water.

"A unique set up no doubt," Ignis agreed.

"You all right there sweetheart?" Gladio asked, making Prompto frown again.

"Yeah. I just..." Elena mumbled, looking up directly at Noctis now, "I know we left her alone. I don't have all the reasons cause I was little back then. All I remember is when we first met The Immortal,"

"You met the Marshall?" Prompto was practically gawking at her.

"We only managed to arrive in Cape Caem after Tenebrae was attacked. For some odd reason, we were followed and that Ardyn guy suddenly appeared. He followed us as we traveled from Cape Caem to Insomnia. Oniichan had... I don't know why he wanted to take us there,"

"So he already had a destination in mind when you left Lahsa?" Ignis asked, genuinely surprised.

"Oniichan spoke privately to Fior when he joined us not long after leaving Cape Caem," Elena explained, "I remember seeing The Immortal near some rocks. He took Oneechan from Oniichan's back and that was the last time I saw her,"

"You would've had to be traveling quite fast if you got out of there and in Cape Caem within 48 hours," Gladio concluded.

"I'm not sure how," Elena shared.

"How is it that (Your Name) doesn't remember any of this?" Ignis asked.

"Oneechan mentioned this when we were catching up. It's like after all this time a seal from her memories had broken. She remembers everything. So when I asked her what she had been tasked to do or why we got separated, she shook her head and told me that now is not the time,"

"Sounds quite foreboding don't you think?" Gladio sighed, "Almost like no one is going to like what they hear,"

"Oneechan will tell us when she sees fit," Elena assured, patting Prompto on his leg again.

"So why did (Your Name) send you over? They don't need you for whatever she's doing?" Gladio asked curiously, his question making her blush a little.

"I... Oneechan sent me to help... you guys," It was obvious from Elena's behavior she wasn't being completely honest.

"Oh?" Gladio cocked a curious eyebrow.

"I helped you guys get into Altissia didn't I?"

"For which we are thankful for," Ignis said, "But there is another reason isn't there?"

"If you want to go by her words. She was telling me to keep Prompto company cause she was worried he'd be crying his eyes out after her leaving so abruptly," Elena awkwardly shared, blushing and avoiding Prompto's gaze.

"Whaaaaa? What you mean? No way (Your Name) really said that?!" Prompto whined as the rest of them laughed.

"Honest! But I'm sure she meant well!" Elena exclaimed, waving her hands in desperation to get the pouting blonde to believe her. Interesting... Or maybe she sent you for another reason?

"Ah. Nice of you to join us Camelia," Weskham greeted from the bar. The group turned around to see an important looking middle-aged woman, entering the bar and stopping near their table.

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