Chapter 40: Master

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Now that Elena was back to her normal self, there were many questions that needed answering. However, Prompto refused to let anyone speak to her until she was fully rested. That much everyone knew, considering Elena had just come off fighting all of them at once. Prompto only managed to get out of the tight embrace she had locked him in when she fell asleep from crying. His worries grew when she stirred in her sleep, mumbling his name in a panic and only calming down when he stroked her hair gently or mumbled sweet nothings in her ear.

"I really hope injecting that blasted serum is all they did," Matias sounded like he was going to pulverize someone.

"As do the rest of us," Ignis agreed, passing Prompto a damp cloth to replace the one currently on Elena's forehead. She had worked up quite the fever, adding to the group's concerns.

"I feel something else is bothering you, Your Majesty?" Hale asked, drawing everyone's attention to Noctis, who was sitting on the bottom of the bunk bed furthest away from everyone.

"Care to share?" Ignis asked curiously, furrowing his brow.

"The staff that (Your Name) used during battle," Noctis began, getting up from the bed and walking over to them, "It's a weapon known to only shapeshifters right?"

"Yes. It is," Hale answered, "I'm actually surprised you had it on your person. We had assumed Ardyn had taken it during the chaos in Altissia,"

"It was given to me when I received the blessing of the Glacian," Noctis explained, having noticed Hale's eyes flicker in confusion.

"What is it that's bothering you then?" Matias asked, leaning against the bunk bed Elena was sleeping on and crossing his arms.

"I see..." Ignis seemed to have caught on. "You're wondering how it is you were able to wield it?" Noctis nodded.

"Wouldn't you have seen Oneechan use it?" Matias seemed to be confused by Noctis' curiosity.

"Not necessarily Matias," Hale replied in Noctis' stead. "Your Majesty wouldn't be confused if he had seen (Your Name) use it in a similar manner. To anyone other than a shapeshifter, it'd just be a sturdy staff for combat,"

"What has she been using it for then?" Matias asked, looking rather dumbfounded.

"What is its purpose if not attacking?" Gladio added.

"The staff can be used for both offense and defense. It can produce a strong barrier of light, like what was used in Altissia. Or it can be used to parry strong attacks," Hale explained.

"Like when we faced Deadeye near Wiz's Chocobo Post," Gladio recounted with Hale nodded in confirmation. "Kinda wished you joined us in the fray since you were watching us the entire time," Gladio added with a sigh.

"That would have changed a lot of things," Matias said grinning.

"Oh?" Gladio asked peering into Matias' face. "How so?"

"Didn't Oneechan begin opening up to you all starting from that dance with Deadeye?"

All four Lucians exchanged small grins, going down memory lane. Indeed things would be different had the shapeshifters intervened at that time. Noctis felt he would have missed out on a lot of fond memories with you. Hale wouldn't have had to worry as much either, most likely having seen all their special moments alone.

"Just so you know, we never really stuck around for any moments including Oneechan," Noctis looked up only to lock eyes with Matias who was grinning. "We always stayed at a distance. Far enough not to be noticed, but close enough to see if we were needed,"

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