Chapter 30: Suits

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Noctis was deep in thought as he lay in bed with you in his arms. His worries doubled from the storytelling you had done earlier. Noctis glanced down at your sleeping form, a tender smile forming on his face as you shifted a little in your sleep, snuggling closer to him. You were already pressed up against him, but he knew it was to assure you he was still there. Since he was wide awake, he took his phone from the side table seeing a few messages from the guys. Ignis' message was the usual 'check-up' kind, Gladio's message made him roll his eyes, while Prompto's made him chuckle shortly afterward.

< Try not to get too carried away. Remember lil' missy is tired from the past few days! >

< Hope (Your Name) is resting well. I'll try and keep Elena busy in the mean time! What do I do to keep her entertained?! XS >

Noctis scrolled down in Prompto's message seeing he had attached a photo of himself and Elena with Altissia behind them. They appeared to be riding on one of Altissia's famous gondolas. Nice work (Your Name).

Sighing to himself, he put his phone on the bed next to him and stared up at the ceiling, letting his mind wander. Thoughts ran through his head, all of which were important but he couldn't place them in order of priority. Everything that was up ahead was a priority. In his determination to do right by those he deeply cared for and the future of his kingdom, it scared him that there was going to be a price to pay.

"You need to stop putting more pressure on yourself my King," Noctis heard you whisper to him, making him jolt in surprise. He could feel you shake from your silent laughter.

"When did you wake up huh?" Noctis asked, poking you on the cheek.

"Just then," You replied stretching a little. Noctis moved his face away to avoid getting whacked. "Sorry..." You apologized sheepishly.

"Did you forget you were sleeping on me, Princess?" Noctis teased chuckling when you rolled your eyes and sat up.

"Nope!" Noctis watched you in amusement. It was like you were back to the same mellow girl he and the rest were traveling with. You seemed prim and proper earlier, making Noctis feel like he was speaking to a different person. Although he was impressed, right now, all he wanted to see was your smile and not worry about what was to come.

"Noct?" You called curiously, poking his cheek a few times.

"Mm?" Noctis hummed in response.

"You okay?"


"You wanna go back to outer space or you gonna stay in Eos with me?" You teased.

"I'll stay here," Noctis grinned. You rolled your eyes again, lying on your side facing him.

"Had a good nap?"

"Yes. Much needed, thank you," You sighed in content.

"Good," Noctis sat up properly now, having a stretch himself.

"It's still so interesting seeing you in your Royal Fatigues," He heard you giggle.


"I'm way too used to seeing you in your usual?"

"I'd take that outfit any day," Noctis grumbled, glad he removed his tie and vest before becoming your body pillow.

"It looks good though," You complimented quietly, blushing a little and turning your face away shyly.

"You like the suit huh?" Noctis smirked, leaning forward and peering into your face. He could see your face had gone a few shades darker. Your shy nature was shining through, making Noctis want to tease you a little more, sparking a little idea. He leaned closer to you, smirking again when he saw you stiffen a little when he brushed his lips against the shell of your ear.

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