Author's Note

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Words cannot describe how thankful I am to see you guys enjoying this story thus far.

It most definitely has not finished, but it will take a turn to keep the momentum going, as well as keeping it interesting.

Feel free to leave comments on your thoughts thus far. I love getting feedback or just gushing at how lovable the characters are!

Don't forget to share some love by following me for more works: projectshiawase

I also have Twitter & Instagram with the same tag name (^_^)

I have other FFXV works if you haven't already read those:

To Be In Your Arms Again (Noctis x FemReader): [Complete]

I Need you (Ignis x FemReader) (One Shot): [Complete]

For You Are Mine To Cherish (FFXV x FemOC): [WIP]

Routine (Ignis x FemReader): [Complete]

Thank you once again & enjoy the rest of 'Listen'.

xx 幸せ

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