Chapter 9: Surprise!

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There was a knock on your room door as you were sitting in your bed, reading another of Jared's books, having finished a few during your forced rest.

"Come in," You called, only looking up from your book when the door fully opened.

"Ne (Your Name)!" Talcott's cheerful voice rang in your ears.

"Yes, Talcott?" You couldn't help but smile whenever you interacted with the young boy. He reminded you strongly of your younger cousin, Matias. He was Hale's younger brother and always bursting with energy. Matias was practically everyone's sunshine within the forests of Tenebrae.

Traveling with the boys had you experiencing a lot of new things. You were meeting so many characters who reminded you of your family. It wasn't fair on everyone whenever nostalgia hit, but it wasn't like you chose when you would be taken down memory lane.

"I wanted to give you something," Talcott announced, fidgeting nervously, his cheeks a little flushed as he looked anywhere but you.

"You... have something for me?" You asked, putting your book down on your side table, turning yourself to face him as he approached you.

"Um..." Talcott began, "Happy Birthday!" he said, holding out three Sampaguita flowers tied together with a blue ribbon. Your eyes grew wide in surprise. Did Jared tell you?

"Thank you, Talcott. They're beautiful," You thanked, your heart swelling in happiness by the gesture. Curiosity seeped in knowing there was no way Talcott would have known it was your birthday without a little help.

"Talcott, how did you know it's my birthday today?" Butterflies flying in your stomach as you waited for a response.

"When Ojiichan was explaining more about the Sampaguita flower. He said that it was common in the village to give them on birthdays," Talcott explained, "You reacted differently to everyone else,"

"You're quite the observant young man," You praised, chuckling, "Do the others know?"

"I'm not too sure," Talcott answered, "Do you not want Noctis-sama and the rest to know?"

"Ah, not exactly. It's not something I usually celebrate. I'm not good with lots of attention,"

"Eh? But you do so well with Noctis-sama?"

"What do you mean Talcott?"

"Noctis-sama is always looking at you," You swallowed hard as Talcott's words registered in your head. How could that be possible? Surely Talcott was mistaken? You knew Talcot idolized Noctis, but you didn't think he'd observe everything Noctis did and make his own conclusions.

"Now your pulling my leg," Talcott shook his head in response.

"Noctis-sama is always looking at you. Sometimes he looks annoyed,"

"Annoyed sounds about right. I don't think His Majesty is very fond of me, Talcott,"

"But Ojiichan told me that he noticed too. Noctis-sama only looks annoyed when you're talking to other guys," Your stomach tied itself into a knot. Jared was feeding ideas into Talcott's innocent mind, however, you didn't peg the kind old man to do such a thing to his grandson.

"I'm not sure about that Talcott. But thank you for the flowers. Can I ask where you got them from? They seem to be available here?"

"I bought them together with Ojiichan in the market. There is a flower stall there,"

"I see," You made a mental to visit this flower stall, wanting nothing more than to see if they came from your village. "Thank you, Talcott. I really love them, it reminds me of home," You thanked warmly, giggling at his shy laughter as you ruffled his hair affectionately. Talcott left the room with a quick wave that you returned before going back to reading. You smiled to yourself glancing at the flowers Talcott gave you, feeling rather blessed and thanking Cid and King Regis silently for your current happiness.

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