Chapter 24: Fiancé

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Another deep sigh left the young King of Lucis' mouth as the boat continued traveling across the large body of water between Cape Caem and Altissia. Although the sea breeze was quite refreshing, he frowned feeling the lingering taste of your lips on his own fading because of the salty air. It hadn't been long since he watched you fly off as a Griffin with your cousins and Fior. Referring to Fior as your fiancé made his blood boil, but he chose to have the benefit of the doubt that Fior was only teasing from a childhood memory. Then again, he wasn't one to talk.

"You reckon they arrived wherever they were headed to?" Everyone took your sudden departure hard. The usually cheerful blonde was the complete opposite since they left Cape Caem.

"I'm sure (Your Name) is perfectly fine and arrived safely to her destination," This was most likely the third or fourth time the Royal Advisor had reassured the group.

"I hope so..." Prompto sighed watching the sea.

"For knuckleheads who were giving her a hard time earlier on, what made you boys reach the point of pining for her like abandoned puppies?" Cid asked, chuckling when all of them except Ignis shift uncomfortably in their seats.

"It was Noct who was giving her a hard time," Prompto pouted.

"A classic you-tease-the-ones-you-like I'd say," Noctis didn't like the way Ignis' eyes twinkled just then. Great. Another roasting... only solo. Noctis groaned unable to look at the grins forming on his companion's faces.

"When exactly did you start liking (Your Name) anyway? As far as I'm concerned, you were quite keen on Lunafreya-sama?" Gladio piped in.

"Now you're being a dick," Noctis frowned, "You all have long known that Luna and I have always been friends. This wedding was strictly political,"

"Oh? So you were worried about people getting the wrong impression of you when (Your Name) joined us then?" Ignis asked curiously.

Noctis looked across all of their faces, seeing Cid glance quickly at him. Wait... Would Cid know? Noctis knew Cid was an old friend of his father's, having seen the group photo of them when they were younger with the Regalia.

"Cid..." Noctis began, "Why do I get the feeling that you had something to do with (Your Name) joining us," Noctis asked carefully, seeing the rest of the guys turn to look at Cid.

Cid cleared his throat, before speaking. "Sharp young lad," Noctis knew his sarcasm meant he thought otherwise.

"Reggie knew who (Your Name) was from the beginning. Why else do you think Cor knows who she is?" Cid mused, slowing down the boat. "Reggie thought she'd be of use to you lot during your travels,"

"That's not the entire reason is it?" Ignis asked.

"I dunno what's going through your mind. But I have a gut feelin' Reggie was cookin' somethin' up by ordering her to accompany you lot. It's not like she worked at Citadel or anythin'," Cid had a point. Her adoptive mother was a housewife who passed away from illness and her father was a part of the Kingsglaive who died during a mission.

"To be adopted into a Kingsglaive's family is not something that would normally happen. Unless they were trying to keep an eye on the child or..." Ignis trailed off. "Are you saying the reason why (Your Name) was brought to Insomnia was to be put under protective custody?"

"W-Wha? Protective custody?" Prompto gasped, "Why would (Your Name) need to be in protective custody?"

"That is something I have no idea about. Reggie or Cor could be the only ones who know," Cid answered.

"What is it Noct?" Ignis asked, having noticed Noctis was standing up now.

"Cid," Noctis began, swallowing hard before continuing, "When did (Your Name) arrive in Insomnia?"

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