Chapter 52: Listen

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Noctis awoke from his slumber with a jolt, his breaths quick and haggard. Sitting up from the bed, he propped his elbows atop his bent knees after sitting up, trying to get his breathing back to normal. Good grief. Not again.

It had been two years since the final battle with Ardyn and his return to the mortal realm. This had been your gift to him - another chance at life. Naturally, it came with a price. He looked to the other side of the bed, panic taking over his body seeing the empty space. Don't tell me I'm still in the nightmare...

Noctis quickly checked the clock on his bedside table to see it was three in the morning. He gripped his hair and groaned. There was no way he was going to be able to get back to sleep; his alarm was due to ring in two hours. Relieved that his breathing had slowed down to a somewhat normal pace again, the King of Lucis let out a long sigh and hung his head. Getting lost in his thoughts, his mind wandered back to the chaos that welcomed him when he returned. Restoring Insomnia was a massive pain, but it surprisingly picked up after news spread he was officially back as the reigning king. Now came the task of restoring Insomnia's main facilities - hospitals, law enforcement, and consumables.

Naturally, the entire gang was more than happy to help. Securing the areas and clearing out any daemons came as a first priority. Removing all the rubble and checking the ruins structure was second. Luckily enough, there were no more daemon sightings since Noctis returned. This didn't stop Gladio and Ignis in creating security measures for 'just in case'.

The shapeshifters migrated into Insomnia with ease, assisting in moving the heavier debris and clearing the old walkways. It wasn't long until many Lucians began returning to Insomnia and rebuilding their lives with the resources available. It would take several more years to re-establish the city, and become fully functional, whereas Noctis was thankful to everyone who put in their time and expertise in making Insomnia their home again.

A few creaks from the bedroom door opening slowly broke through Noctis' thoughts. He let out a sigh of relief upon seeing who had entered the room ever so quietly.

"Noct? What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost?" You asked worriedly, walking slowly over to his side of the bed. Noctis didn't say anything. He simply reached for you, kissing you deeply and engulfing you in a hug afterward. You returned the hug, rubbing his back and cradling his head. "Don't tell me... You had another one of those nightmares again," Noctis nodded, hearing you sigh in worry. He smiled a little to himself, finding comfort in the floral body soap scent on your skin. "Noct, are you sure you're getting enough rest? These nightmares have been happening a lot lately,"

"Probably the hospital project that's getting to me," Noctis mumbled.

"I did tell you to take your time with it. You can't rebuild an entire kingdom in a mere two years silly boy," Your jab hit the King's ego with precision. Noctis pushed you down on the bed and crawled over to look down at you with a smirk.

"I hardly think you have the right to call me a silly boy my Queen," He said planting a small, gentle kiss on the corner of your mouth.

"Is that so?" You hummed. Judging from the blush across your cheeks, you were losing your resolve.

"Yup," Noctis replied, planting another gentle kiss at the hollow of your neck. Your breath hitched as he took his time retreating from you. "Cause only a man could have successfully created this," Noctis brushed a hand over the obvious bump on your abdomen, "Over six months ago," Your blush darkened. Three guesses what just crossed your mind, my beautiful wife. Noctis chuckled pulling back and lying next to you on the bed. He watched you lovingly, a tingle of happiness coursing through him when you turned your head to face him. Your smile alone brought him out of the darkness that still plagued his nights.

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