{1} Being There For Gaara

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Father is gone and now it's time to carry out his duty. I've watched over the jinchuriki's long enough, now it's time meet them in person, and their host. But, I'm behind schedule because of Kurama's rage with every host he has. 

I have to put him back in his place and get him to calm down every time he has a host. But, as for today, I have to check on the jinchuriki's in order so I can see how they are doing, and to make sure their host is okay. 

I'll start with Shukaku, located in the village hidden in the sand. Once I enter into the village, sand shinobi prevent me from going any further. 

"Halt! Stay right there, and tell us why you're here!" One of them shouts. 

"I don't mean any harm to either of you, or your precious village. I am here because I'm looking for the person who has the 1 tailed beast inside them. Take me to them." I order. 

"Follow us." Another shinobi says. I am escorted to an office, the Kage of the Sand Village. The 4th Kazekage. Not really where I wanted to go, but I guess he wants to hear my reason why I've come all this way here. 

"You're here for the 1 one tailed beast. Have you come to kill him?" The Kazekage questions. 

"Not to kill him. To control him with his bloodlust. I've been observing all of you of how you've tried to attempt to kill the poor child. You don't see that you're the reason for his bloodlust. You're just going to anger the beast even more." I inform him. 

"Are you saying you can do a better job than my men?" The Kazekage glares. 

"I know I can do a lot better job than your men. I know how to tame the beast within the host. Take me to the host and I will show you." 

The Kazekage and his men lead me to where the host is. When I open the door, sand comes at me like darts. To stop it, I put my hand out in front of me, and the sand stops right where it is. 

A few gasps are heard from behind me. When I put my hand down, the sand drops to the floor, and I walk inside the bedroom. 

I see a boy with red hair, crying while hugging a teddy bear. "Go away. . . Leave me alone. . ." The boy weeps. 

Taking another step closer, the boy snaps his head up and more sand comes at me. I squint my eyes and the sand bursts like fireworks. Now I see the full picture. 

When I walk over to the boy, I kneel in front of him, and gently lift his face so that I can look at him in the eyes. "S-Stay away from me!" The boy scoots back. 

"Why would I want to do that? I only here to help you, 1 tailed beast." I tell him and he snaps his head up once more. 

"H-How do you know about that? A-Are you going to kill me too?" 

"No." I shake my head. "I could never dream of doing something like that. So, please, don't be afraid. You have nothing to fear anymore, because I am here." I gently pat the boy's head and he begins to cry some more. "Shush, little one. No more tears. I'm going to take good care of you from now on." 

I pull the boy close to me and I hold him in my eyes. After a few moments of the boy sobbing, he finally relaxes and falls asleep. 

I lay the boy down gently before standing up, then turning to the Kazekage and his men. "Tell me the story about this boy. What has he done?" 

"The boy killed his mother because she was assigned to assassinate him. Ever since then, many of my men tried to kill him to get rid of the 1 tails." Kazekage explains. 

"No wonder he has a thirst for blood. Because of your attacks, he's only defending himself. You are to blame for his actions. All the boy needs is affection. I assure you he'll be just fine as long as I'm here." 

"You think you have what it takes to tame that monster?!" One of the sand shinobi exclaims. 

"I don't think, I know. The boy will be calm as long as you don't attack him. That's why I'm going to be by his side and control knock some sense into the one tails. And if any of you have any objections to this," I summon my red/black scythe and point the blade towards the men. "Try and stop me." 

They are threatened by this, yet the Kazekage allows it. "If you think you have what it takes to tame that boy, and the beast, then by all means, go ahead." 

"That's what I like to hear. Leave us." I command them, and they follow. Turning back to the boy, to find him still asleep, before walking over to him.

I can't help but notice there is something written on the side of his forehead. It says, 'Love'. I can't really explain that, but what I need to do is talk to Shukaku. 

Pressing my head against the boys, I can feel myself entering into the boy's mind, and come face to face with the 1 tails. "Shukaku, explain yourself right now." I glare up at him. 

"Little Miss Akari. It's good to see you. You look just like your father." Shukaku compliments. 

"Don't sugar-coat your way out of this. You know why I'm here. Why are you torturing the boy?" 

"Depends on what your definition of torture is." 

"You're not letting your host sleep, you're killing for him-"

"Protecting him." Shukaku corrects me. 

"Not only that, you're driving his thirst for blood through the roof. I cannot allow you to do this to your host. My father sealed you inside these humans to keep maintain your chakra, and to protect you." 

"I'm merely protecting him. He's losing his own mind because of what's happening to him." 

"And you're causing most of the damage. Keep in mind, if your host dies, you die. So, I want you to be careful and protect this boy as much as possible. I will be here for him so he can remain calm. I expect you to behave yourself when I'm not around him. Do I make myself clear, Shukaku?" 

"You can't be serious with this-" 

"Do you hear me, Shukaku?" I give him a death glare, cutting him off. 

Shukaku glares back at me, but sighs in defeat. "Yes, Lady Akari. As you wish." 

"Good. Let your host rest for a change." I turn my back on him and open my eyes, returning to my physical body. 

The next day, I watch the boy play outside all alone. The other children are keeping their distance from him because of what he is. This made the boy frown and begin to cry. The other villagers are giving him mean glares. 

While the boy is on the swings, with his teddy bear, I approach him with a ball in my hand. The boy looks up at me and frowns. "Hello there. Do you remember me?" I ask the boy. 

"Y-Yes. . . You were here last night. . . W-What do you want?" He avoids eye contact. 

I kneel down and roll the ball over him. "Do you want to play?" I smile at him. 

He looks at me surprised as he gets off the swing and picks up the ball. "Y-You mean it? Really?" He questions and I nod my head. 

"Of course." I smile. "Let's play together." 

The boy smiles at me and tosses the ball back to me, running over to me to play. I play with the boy all day, when no other child would, and keep him company so he won't have to be alone, nor feel alone. 

"Ne, what's your name!?" The boy giggles while we play. 

"I am Akari." I smile softly. "What's yours?"

"My name is Gaara!" 


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