{32} Being A Virgin

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"What!? This guy is going to be on our squad!?" Naruto is throwing a slight tantrum when I told him that Sai will be joining squad 7, thus the replacement of Sasuke. 

"It is what Tsunade told me when I told her about the incident. Also, you'll be getting a new teacher in your squad. Kakashi has weakened his body because of the Sharingan, so he will be in retirement for a while." I add. 

"Huh?! You can't be serious!? Grandma Tsunade decided this without telling us?!" 

"She was going to tell you, Naruto. But because you were ranting about how Sai suddenly attacked, I had to let you know just to make you stop. You're going to give yourself a headache." Look, they're here right now." 

A man with brown hair and some sort of face piece around his head walks up to us with Sai next him. What the files that Tsunade showed me earlier, this is Yamato. But he goes by Captain Yamato. 

"We meet again, Akari. So beautiful." Sai smiles when he compliments. I'm starting to think that Sai is like me in a way. 

"Indeed we do." I nod my head to him, somewhat greeting him back.

That look on his face reads that he doesn't understand the emotions and side effects of others. And he's carrying a book with him. So, he is studying like I am. 

"Don't be hitting on her or else I'm going to start hitting on you!" Naruto gets in front of me and growls at Sai. He's acting like an infant. 

"Naruto, please, calm down." I rest my hand on is left shoulder. "He's apart of your squad now, so you all need to get along." 

"Also, I'll be training with all of you to see how good we are as a team." Yamato adds. 

"That's right. Then, I shall leave you to it. But know this," My eyes darken. "If you I find once scratch or bruise on Naruto, you will be punished by my hand." 

Yamato shrinks and shakes in fear when he sees the dangerous look in my eyes. "Y-Yes, ma'am." 

"Good. This goes for you too, Sakura." I look at her with the corner of my eye. 

"What!? Why is this directed to me too?" She asks. 

"Because you've done nothing but complain and hit Naruto. If I see a bump anywhere on his body, I will hit you 10x stronger than your punch. I hope you heed my warning." 

"Of course!" Sakura answers quickly, straightens herself up with her eyes shut. 

"Good. I'm going to check on Kakashi." I take my leave and go back to Kakashi's house. When I enter inside, he is sitting on his bed with his Sharingan eye closed. "You don't look so well. You look like a wreck." I say while walking over to him. 

"At least you're honest." He sighs, then chuckles afterwards. 

"Mind if I look at your body?" 

"Huh!?" He becomes flustered. 

"Your body. I want to see what I can do with it." I walk closer to him and sit behind him. 

"A-Akari! I don't think it's the right time to do this! I mean, do you even know how this works?!" Why is so flustered for? I'm just going to heal his joints and any injuries that are bothering him. 

"Relax. I know what I'm doing. I've done this with my children when they were like this. It is no trouble." I place my hands on his back and green chakra appears. 

"Huh?" Now he's confused. What is going through that head of his? He acted anxious when I strangled him to see his face underneath that mask of his. But this, this is different. 

"You pulled a muscle somewhere in your back, and your joints are all tight. Also, your muscles are weak from the amount of that Sharingan you've been using. You never rested properly before. It makes me wonder what you do at night." 

"O-Oh. . . This is what you meant. . ." I feel his body relaxing, no longer tensed up. What was he assuming I was going to do to him? 

He's flustered. 

Muscles are tense. 

Sweat running down from his forehead. 

And a lot of stuttering. 

"You were thinking I was going to have sex with you right away, weren't you?" I sigh. Good grief. I think Kakashi is the bigger pervert than Jiraiya. "How perverted can your mind get?" 

"It's just the way you said had me all. . .nervous for a second there." 

"Are you saying you never had sex before? You are a virgin." 

"U-U-Um-Um. . . Aren't you?" 

"Yes." I nod my head, answering bluntly with an emotionless stare. "All these years I thought I didn't have time to have a boyfriend or a lover because I had a full time job of taking care of my children. Looking after 18 children at the same time isn't an easy job, but I have to deal with it because it is a duty of mind. Like I said, I don't under the human ways, or emotions, because I haven't had the time to look into it." 

"It's amazing how you can say all this without being ashamed." 

"You are surprised?" My eyes glance at him before focusing on healing his back. "I have no shame in telling the truth. If I were to lie to someone who is dear to me, then I will feel guilty. In the end, there will be nothing but regret filling in my heart." 

"I see. Like I said, at least you're honest." 

"Thank you." We look at each other then smile at one another before laughing. By the time we stopped laughing, I have stopped healing Kakashi. "You should take it easy from now on, okay? You're in retirement. Tsunade has already placed Yamato and Sai on squad 7. Making them the new sensei and member because of Sasuke's absence." 

"I heard. I'm just wondering if they can all get along." 

"They might, they might not. Right now they're in the middle of training. Until I have completely rested, I will be taking care of you. Afterwards, I will be leaving to go back to my investigation. So, in 3 days, I will be by your side." I wrap my arms around Kakashi's neck and softly smile while closing my eyes. 

Kakashi holds my hands and places a kiss on them as I feel him heating up. As in blushing. I never thought I would fall for a human. It is something I have never experienced before. But I do not know what it means to love and cherish a human. It is something different. Different from the way I care, love, and cherish my children. 


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