{44} Welcome Back

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"Chidori!" Another blast is heard from the inside of the hideout. I stand in the woods, standing on the very top of a tree and listen to the battle happen. 

"Amaterasu!" Itachi creates the black flames from his eye. It's been almost 45 minutes and they have already taken this fight outside. Kisame are not letting Suigetsu, Jugo, or Karin getting inside. 

I am not sure how long these two Uchiha's are going to keep fighting, probably until one of them is dead, but I am staying until this fight is over. I have time to spare. I hope Naruto is doing okay. I know that the search party for either Sasuke, or Itachi, is still going on. 

While I wait, I can check on Naruto and the others. 

Using my teleportation jutsu, while using my scythe, I transport myself to where Naruto is, thanks to his chakra. It always lets me know where he is. "Akari!" Naruto smiles when he sees me. 

"Naruto." I greet with a soft smile. Looks like the others have split up with ninja hounds. Naruto is with Hinata, Kakashi, and two other hound dogs. 

"Glad to see you can join us, Akari. But, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be resting, from all the traveling around and searching?" Kakashi asks me. 

"I am taking a break. I thought it would be best if I check on Naruto, and I see he is doing just fine. I am glad." I smile at Naruto once more. "Thank you for looking after him while I am gone, Kakashi, Hinata." 

"Y-You're welcome, Akari." Hinata blushes as she smiles. 

"Any luck on finding Sasuke?" Naruto asks. 

"Yes, but he is quite far. I cannot use my transportation jutsu on all of us to get us them. I can only take one of you at a time." I answer. 

"Then we will gather the others and follow you." Kakashi suggests. But before we can move on, something holds us back. Hinata warns us that someone is near by... 

"Wait." I look around the area, sensing someone's chakra. "Do you sense that?" 

"I sense him, too." Hinata and I look in the direction where we can see a cloaked man walking by. Just by the scent of his chakra, we both know it's Kabuto, but he is not the same. Half of his body is like Orochimaru. Even Hinata sees it. 

"Kabuto. Orochimaru's right hand man." 

"It's been awhile, Akari. I thought you were with Sasuke after he killed Lord Orochimaru." Kabuto smirks at me. 

"Speaking of Orochimaru, I see you have absorbed him too.  I thought Sasuke had completely absorbed him after his death." 

"That's where you're wrong. I was able to absorb just a bit of him, but I can still feel him. . . His power going through my veins." 

"Are you going to keep talking, or are you going to tell us why you are all the way out here?" 

"It should be obvious to you, Akari. I'm here for Naruto." 

"Over my head body." I step in front of Naruto while summoning my scythe. 

"You were always the protective one. I admire that." Kabuto chuckles. "But, going after Naruto will have to wait. I have something else in mind and you'll be the first one who gets to see it!" 

Whatever he's planning, it can't be good. Enough talking of this matter, I sprint over to him and try to slice him in half with my scythe, but due to Orochimaru's power growing inside of him, he disappears in a blink of an eye. 

This is bad. . . But I do not have the time for this. The match with Sasuke and Itachi is coming to an end. I can smell blood. . .

"Kakashi, keep looking after Naruto for me. I will return." I inform him. 

"You're going after Kabuto? I don't think that's the best idea, Akari. It could be a trap." 

"I am not going after Kabuto. Just keep looking after Naruto for me. Sayonara." I speak quickly and disappear from their sight. 

It begins to rain and I can see smoke coming from the hideout where Itachi was. Inside is a mess. Scratches on the walls. 

Blood on the floor. 

And a few objects have been crumbled to pieces. With the hole in the ceiling, the fight escalated and took place outside. 

Going outside, I follow the damage to where it ended. And that took place near a giant wall with the Uchiha Crest on it. There is Sasuke lying next to his dead brother. "Tired?" I ask the exhausted younger Uchiha. 

"I killed him. . ." Is all Sasuke tells me. 

"I can see that." But I do not think Sasuke had what it took to kill Itachi. After all, Itachi was carrying a disease all these years. "Come on. You need a place to rest- Sasuke?" I blink when I see Sasuke's body fading into the ground. 

Where have I seen that technique before? . . . It does not belong to Sasuke. 

I can worry about that later. "Good grief. What to do with you, Itachi?" I sigh, looking at his body. He died with his eyes open, and blood coming out of both eyes and mouth. "Looks like it cannot be helped." 

I summon my scythe again and lay my hand against the blade. The blade glows light blue as I run my hand against it, all the way to the tip. 

When I pull my hand away, a blue orb appears on the palm of my hand. This special technique is used for one thing only, and that is to bring back the dead. I have not use this in years. I hope it is still useful. 

I kneel down and open Itachi's mouth, and drop the orb inside. His entire body glows before Itachi's eyes blink. The once dead Uchiha blinks and sits up, and begins to cough. "Easy." I place my hand on his back to comfort him. 

"What. . .happened? . . ." He tries to breathe. 

"I brought you back from the dead. Now," I say bluntly while standing back up. "You're going to tell me everything I need to know whether you like it or not." 


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