{6} The Favor

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After the chunin exams, I had to speak with Gaara, and Shukaku, alone. We were in his bedroom, a room we registered when we came into the leaf village, and I had Gaara sit against the wall. 

I glared at him, disappointed in his actions, as it was the two of us in the room. Temari and Kankuro were in the other room next to us. I told Baki not to interfere with Gaara and I because it was a private matter. 

My hand is on Gaara's head, entering into his mind. I now stand in front of the cage of where Shukaku is being held, and with Gaara beside me. 

"Explain to me what happened in those exams. Why were you at the verge of killing Rock Lee?" I ask Shukaku with a harsh glare. 

"Blame the boy. He was the one who was in bloodlust at the time. He was using my chakra." Shukaku told me. 

"I'm trying very hard to believe that, but you have a reputation, Shukaku." I cross my arms. "You nearly could have killed that leaf genin. Do you know what could have happened if you were actually able to kill Rock Lee? You would be put down." 

"Again, blame the boy." 

"I'm blaming you right now. You know Gaara can't control himself when it comes to fights. He depends on you since you are the one who's suppose to be protecting him from any danger. You want him to stay alive, don't you?" 

"Yeah. . ." Shukaku turns his head away. 

I turn my attention to Gaara who had his head down while frowning. "Gaara. I'm disappointed in you because I know you have better control than that. Why did you go so far?" 

"I. . . I don't know what came over me. . . The fight got intense and I snapped. . . I'm really sorry, Akari. . ." Gaara frowns some more, making me sigh. I can't stay mad at him because he's still going through a lot of things. 

I rest my hand on his head and ruffle his hair a bit. "I can't stay mad at you, Gaara. You, out of the most Jinchuriki host, is going through something right now. I can understand your bloodlust, but not everything has to result to killing. This isn't a real battle of life and death." 

"I know. . ." 

"Look at me." I lift his chin up. "I said I was disappointed in you. Not angry with you. I'm not going to punish you. I just want you to be aware in the future, and also for the finals. I want you to have self control, if possible. I will help you out with it only if you let me." 

"Yes." Gaara wraps his arms around my waist and his head on my chest, eyes shut tightly that he was trying to prevent himself not to cry. "I'm sorry, Akari. . . Please, forgive me." I can hear him choking on his words. 

"I will always forgive you, Gaara. You are my responsibility." I hold him close to me, stroking the top of his head. "For now, you need rest. Try not to hurt kill anybody while we're here. Just wait until the finals." 

With that said, I exit it out of Gaara's mind and I open my eyes to find Gaara's physical body already resting. At least, that's what I hope he's doing. 

I lie Gaara on the futon before exiting the room. "Temari. Kankuro. Keep an eye on Gaara. If he leaves, let me know right away, got it? Use this." I toss Temari a bell. "Just ring it and I will come." 

"You got it." Kankuro says, and I take my leave. I take a walk around the village so I can have some time with myself. But first thing is first. I need to check on Naruto. 

Sensing the 9 tails chakra, I went to the hospital to see what Naruto was doing there. As I recall, he had no severe injuries. What would he be doing at a hospital? To visit his teammate Sasuke? 

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