{37} You're Helping Me Escape? Itachi Helps Akari

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Pain. . . 

Pleasure. . . 

Pain. . .

Pleasure. . .

I can't tell which is worse. . . Kisses turn into bite marks. The massages becomes rough that will leave bruises. And my moans turn into screams of agony. I may be immortal, but this pain is too great. 

"No matter how many marks I place on you, they always seem to heal and disappear. It is true that you are immortal. But how much pain can you take?" Pein kisses me and purposely bites my bottom lip. 

I flinch from the sharp pain as I can no longer scream anymore. My throat burns and I am tired of screaming. Nobody will save me. I know that for sure. . .

"Give in, Akari. You can't take this much longer, can you? Tell me where you are hiding the tailed beast." Pein looks at me with his emotionless eyes. 

"I will not. . ." I continue to refuse him. I said it once and I will say it again. I won't give away my children's location. They are all I have left to consider them as family. Yet I have failed Yugito and Matatabi. Both of them are dead because of me. I should have brought them with me by force. But they said they can handle it. . .

I grunt once more when Pein grips on my wrists again. It leaves a handprint, followed by a bruise. He has me pinned against the wall with both arms above my head. No matter what he does, his marks vanish. I won't let him mark me. 

"You're just wasting your time. You won't find them. . ." I mutter under my breath. Pein throws me to the floor for the 2nd time and presses his foot on my back, causing me to grunt.

"I could kill you, but I doubt you will stay dead, and I also need you, Akari. Together we can make the world a better place. All you have to do is tell me where you are hiding the jinchuriki's." 

"They are my family. . . I won't tell you where they are." I reply to him.

"We are one in the same." 

"Only difference between us is that I'm trying to keep them safe, and you want to kill them to make the world a better place. . . If no jinchuriki existed, this world would still be the same. . . Humans will continue their harsh ways towards others and won't care about anybody but themselves.

Fear is what corrupts them, that causes them to say and do terrible things. This world is never peaceful. It is never safe. It's just how things go around in this life we live in. . . Nothing will change if you seal away the tailed beasts. . ." 

"You know nothing." A black pole, known as a Black Receiver, impaled me through my back making me gasp in pain, and coughing up blood. "You will see the change of this world once all of this is over." 

There was a knock at the door and it was Hidan who is on the other side. "We're going after one of the tailed beast." But which one?

"Go." Pein orders and releases his grip on me. I slide down against the wall as my eyes remain close. My cheeks are burning from the intense pleasure and pain. "I'll be back." He tells me and leaves the office. 

My body is tired and it hurts. With the many stab wounds Pein gave me, it's giving me a hard time to stand up. My wounds may have healed, but it makes my body sore. 

I need to get to Naruto before Deidara and his new partner get to him first. Why am I so low on chakra? Why can't I summon my scythe? None of this is making any sense. 

"Akari. Wake up." I hear someone's voice. I can't find the strength to open my eyes I'm so tired. . .

"I won't. . ." I repeat my words, of not giving away children's position, thinking that this person is Pein. I feel my body being lifted into a pair of arms and feel the wind blowing. Someone is carrying me out of the hideout? 

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