{24} A Bitter Warning

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"OROCHIMARU!!!!" I growl/scream out his name throughout the entire hideout, my ears and tail still in contact. My scythe is still in my hands while I'm walking down the hallway to get to his room. "You gave me your word, and you lied. You said you would mind your own business, yet you didn't. I left you off with a warning, but now, you're just asking to face my wrath." 

I kick down each door just to find out where he is hiding, but every room was empty. However, in my surprise, I found Sasuke in one of the rooms, and he was surprised that I was here. "Akari? What are you doing here? And what's with the ears and tail?" He questions.

"Where's Orochimaru?! Tell me where!" I demanded, and strike at the wall beside me. 

Sasuke is frightened by this because he has never seen me this way. He backs away until his back is touching the wall. All I wanted to do was find the bastard and kill him! 

"Akari!" He shouts with fear, his legs shaking. I walk over to him and I swing my scythe at him, the blade hitting the wall beside him. 

My eyes widen and I calm myself down. I almost killed my child. If it weren't for my anger, I wouldn't be this angry. "Sorry, Sasuke. . . I thought you were Orochimaru just now." I sigh, then leave the room, but the back of my clothing is tugged on. 

"Don't leave just yet. . ." Sasuke's head is down when he says this. "I'm glad that you came. I've missed you. . . I can take you to Orochimaru." Then, he walks in front of me and leads me to where Orochimaru is, holding my hand. 

It's quiet and we don't say a word to each other, because I'm certain that Sasuke has nothing to say to me. But, I have to ask. "Sasuke, do you remember what I told you? Before you and Naruto clashed with your chidori and his rasengan." 

". . . Yeah. . ." He nods his head. 

"Good. I want you to keep that in mind. But, why are you holding my hand? Are you lonely?" 

"Yeah. . ." He nods his head again. 

"Sasuke, you don't have to be lonely. I'm here for you, remember? That's why I'm-" 

"My mother, I know, and I don't resent that. . . I still need you, Akari." 

"I understand." I pet the top of his head and we stop walking. "Is he behind this door?"

"Yeah. He's a little weak right now, but he's still alive. What did he do to piss you off?" 

"Don't worry about, and it's best if you don't see this side of me. I don't want to scare you, like  scared Naruto when your brother was about to take him." I smile at him. 

"I don't really care about what happens to him. You can do what you want." Sasuke turns his head away, trying to act cool in front of me. 

"As you wish." I shrug my shoulders and glare at the door. My tail appears behind me once more and I use my scythe to break down the door. 

Kabuto and Orochimaru's eyes widen when they see me with my eyes glowing. "A-Akari!" Orochimaru stutters at his words as I walk over to him, dragging my scythe on the floor. 

"You gave me your word that you won't hurt Naruto, but your little pawn there nearly crushed his heart! You're just asking for death, aren't you?!" I raise my scythe and growl, baring my teeth. 

Orochimaru had no words to say, knowing that it was the truth, and I believe that he was there at the time. He has no excuses, or defense to cover for him. 

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you!" 

"Akari, please, wait!" Orochimaru shouts, and Kabuto gets in front of him, protecting him. 

"Why should I wait? You crossed the line this time. I won't give you a second chance." 

"Stay away from him!" Kabuto shouts at me. "It's me who should be punished! Not Lord Orochimaru!" 

He makes a good point. Orochimaru didn't exactly hurt Naruto. So, really, I should be punishing Kabuto for it. 

This makes me smirk. 

"Good point." I smirk wickedly. "Since you're the one who hurt my dear boy, you shall face my wrath. However, I won't kill you since Orochimaru still needs you. So, I will leave you off with a warning." 

I dart over to Kabuto and him against the wall with my hand around his neck, causing the wall behind him breaks a little. I use my other hand to tilt his head back and I bite down on his throat, causing Kabuto to scream out. 

My teeth sink deeply into his flesh, almost at the point where I bite his head off. Once I pull away, Kabuto drops to his knees and holds his neck as blood pours out, making a puddle around him. 

His eyes are wide as he pants, and both Orochimaru and Sasuke are frozen in fear when they see this. 

"I could have bitten your head right off, but I will leave you with that much. The wound will heal over time, but this shall let you know that I can kill you with just one bite to the neck. Also, I have taken most of your chakra to punish you. Keep in mind, Orochimaru," I turn to him. "I could do the same to you if you cross me again. This is strike 2. One more strike and you're finished. Do I make myself clear?" 

Orochimaru shakily nods his head, saying that he understood. 

"And as for you," I turn my attention back at Kabuto and lift his head up so that he's looking at me dead in the eyes. "Come anywhere near Naruto again and I won't bite off a limb. Be lucky that I just bit your neck, or else your head would've came off. But, like I said, the wound will heal over time." 

Having said those words, I let go of Kabuto and exit out the room, patting Sasuke head on my way out. 


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