{41} Sasuke's New Squad, Team Taka

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I decided to check on Sasuke. Fu and Chomei will have to wait. The only problem is that I don't know where Sasuke and where he is heading to. What was the point of summoning me if he is just going to run away. I do not have time to play and seek, Sasuke. I am also busy with my work.

While I was exiting Orochimaru's hideout, I noticed that a tank has been sliced open clean, obviously by a katana. Was there not an experiment here before? I think I have seen somebody in that tank. 

A young man with white hair, purple eyes, and sharp pointed teeth. What was his name? I took one glance at him the last time I was here. But, it does not matter at the moment. I am sure I will be able to meet him because I am assuming that this person is with Sasuke right now. 

Well. Enough of that. Time to locate Sasuke to see where he is going. Because I am also a sensory, I can also track down Sasuke's chakra. "Good grief. This is a nuisance. I do not have the time to be playing hide and seek with you, Sasuke. Why would you run off after you summoned me?" I talk to myself as I walk down a road. 

Seeing Sasuke's chakra on the ground, is like a scent I can follow, almost like a dog. I can see chakra's as colors is what I am trying to say. For Sasuke, his color is purple. But there is another chakra beside it. A white one. This lets me know that someone with him for sure.

I do not have time to trace chakra. Sasuke knows I am busy, so why hide from me? "Honestly." I sigh and use my speed to get to where Sasuke is. I find him in a restaurant with the young man I had mentioned earlier. "Finally found you. Were you trying to get me to follow you like a lost puppy? Just so you know, I do not have the time to play games. I am busy." I fold my arms while slightly glaring at him. 

"You came here sooner than I thought. Sorry to keep you waiting, Akari." He says while looking at me. The man across from him blushes at my appearances and cannot stop staring at me. 

"And you are?" I turn my attention to the young man with white hair. 

"This is Suigetsu. Another one of Orochimaru's experiments." Sasuke introduces him to me. Now I remember the name. It was on the Plac at the bottom of the tank like some trophy. Suigetsu Hozuki is this man's name. 

"So what, is this your girlfriend? She's quite the looker if you ask me~ Very attractive." Suigetsu smirks. 

"I'm his mother." I correct him, causing him to choke on his frozen yogurt. 

"M-M-M-M-Mother!? You look like you're in your 20's! Th-There's just no way!" I was expecting another reaction other than this.

"Not biologically. I'm his substitute mother. Mother figure to be more specific." I explain before this boy gives himself a heart attack. "I took him in as one of my children when he was younger." 

"You mean, you have more!? Who the heck is the father!?"

"You are making yourself confused, Suigetsu." I think it is best if I do not explain things further. I do not think he is going to understand my position. I turn my attention to Sasuke and ask him, "What is your plan now that Orochimaru is dead? Why did you summon me, then leave?" 

"Because we needed to talk in private, Akari. I need Suigetsu, Karin, and Jyugo." Sasuke answers. 

"Say no more. I think I know what you are planning, and I am not going to stop you. But, it is good to see you again, Sasuke." I lean down and kiss the top of his head, showing him affection. I see a tint of blush appear on his face as he closes his eyes and wrap one arm around my waist, because I am standing beside him. 

"Aww, well ain't that precious. I never thought Sasuke could be so soft towards one girl. Maybe he's not such a cold hearted guy after all." Suigetsu snickers. Sasuke ignores his comment as he pulls away from me and tells me, 

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