{46} Reviving Another, The Rebirth Of Jiraiya

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The next few days have been quiet. Tsunade assigned me to look after Itachi, most of the tailed beast are safe, I have managed my time to train Naruto, and spend time with Kakashi. All of this seems like a lot of work, but it is my job. I have been a lot of progress. But. . .

Something doesn't feel right. . . Why do I feel so worried all the sudden? "Are you okay, Akari?" Itachi questions me, while he makes me breakfast. In order to continue to watch Itachi, I had to spend the nights at the Uchiha compound. 

"I feel as if something is wrong, but I do not understand what it is. I can't put my finger on it. . ." I answer him while staring down at the coffee table. 

"Give it time. It will come to you. For now, you should eat." Itachi sets a plate of eggs in front of me while he smiles at me. "Thank you again for defending me when you were talking to Lady Hokage. I really appreciate it." 

"You are Sasuke's older brother, and is the strongest shinobi in the leaf village. I could never let you die after the good you have done for this village years ago, according to your files. Even so, I must tell Sasuke about what you told me. If he sees you, he will go back in for the kill. It will be best if it came from me." 

"Agreed." Itachi nods is head as I take a bite of eggs. My ears twitch because of the flavor. 

"These are delicious. I did not know you could cook." I smile. 

"Don't you know how to cook, Akari?"  Itachi blinks with confusion. 

"I do, but I have never tasted human food before. Needles to say, I do not eat much. I am immortal." 

"Just like Hidan." 

"You flatter me." I say while closing my eyes, eating my breakfast. The next thing I know is that a hawk is flying around, which lets me know that it is a calling from Tsuande. "Itachi, do you mind if I leave for a bit. Tsuande is calling for me. I will not be long. I can trust you that you will not leave the village or try anything that will have me to attack you, yes?" 

"You have my word." Itachi nods while closing his eyes. 

"Good." I place my hand on his cheek before taking my leave, and going to the Hokage Tower to speak with Tsuande. Once I got there, frowns were all around. Something is definitely wrong. "Tsunade, what is wrong?" I question. 

Naruto is choking on his words while his body is shaking and his hair is shading his eyes. The body language that is giving out lets me know that he is filled with sadness. 

"Akari. . . It's Jiraiya. . . He's gone." Tsunade delivers me the news, making my eyes go wide. 

"Jiraiya. . .is dead? . . . How did this happen? . . ." My hair shades my eyes. I never thought I would feel sad about a human dying. After all, he is Naruto's Godfather and he was the one who trained Naruto to become strong, and now he is gone. . .

"His summoning delivered the message to us. The Leader of the Akatsuki killed him. . ." Pein is the one who killed him!? 

Just thinking about him makes my body shake with fear. . . I can still remember what he did to me. . . "Where was Jiraiya's death? . . . Where did he go? . . ." I ask in a low tone. 

"Akari, there is nothing we can do-" 

"WHERE!?!" I raise my voice, cutting off Shizune. My eyes glow out of rage as I say, "I will not let stand by this. Tell me where Jiraiya went." 

"He went to the village hidden in the rain." Tsunade tells me with a sigh. 

"Good." I nod my head and summon my scythe in my hands. "Naruto." I turn towards him and make my way over to him, then placing my hand on his cheek. He looks at me with tears streaming down his cheeks. "I will make this right. Wait for me, okay?" 

"What are you going to do, Akari?" Naruto blinks through his tears. 

"I am going to bring back Jiraiya. I know how much he means to you, and I refuse to my child suffer in a such a way. I will return as soon as I can. For now. . .wait for my return." I lean up and kiss Naruto's forehead, then summon lightning to strike down on me and transport me to the village hidden in the rain. 

Once I arrive, I see buildings crumbled and destroyed. The battle with Pein happened here. But I do not see Jiraiya's body anywhere. I search all over the place and had no luck finding him. The only clues I have are the destroyed buildings, black receivers from Pein, and blood everywhere. 

Looks like I have no other choice. 

I use my scythe and slam the end of the weapon onto the ground as it makes a loud echo, like a chime of a bell. "Hear my call and obey me. Lend me your sight as I call upon the search for the one who is deceased." 

My body glows and tiny bright blue balls come out of my chest, and scatter around the area. If one of them finds Jiraiya, the others will come together as one and send me a trail of where Jiraiya's body is. 

Which does not take long. 

A blue trail appears on the ground and I take off running, following that trail. The trail stops near this large body of water. "I do not understand. Where is Jiraiya?" I ask myself. I see something below the water, having me squint my eyes. Looking closer, I see white hair and black receivers sticking out of the body. "Jiraiya!" I shout and waste no time to dive into the water, and swim to Jiraiya's body that continues to sink. 

I grab onto the man's clothing and swim back up the surface as fast I as could. When I get up to the surface, I gently lay Jiraiya's body on the ground and examine in. 

'His throat is completely crushed, and he is losing an arm. I will have to do the same thing I did to Itachi, but do something a bit different. . . Do not worry, Jiraiya. I will save you!' I think to myself and place my hand on my scythe, slowly stroking my hand against the blade and summon the blue soul like orb in my hands. 

Also, with a peace offering, so that Jiraiya can have an arm, I poke my hand with the tip of my bladed scythe to draw blood and drip it into the soul orb. 

"Here, Jiraiya." I place the orb inside Jiraiya's mouth and his body glows, and his arm grows back like it was never ripped off.  

I know that we had our differences, but you have a Godson that still needs your guidance. Without you, he would not be the ninja he is today. I will not have someone so close to him die. So please, come back, Jiraiya. . .

Jiraiya gasps and bolts up, holding his throat. He has completely healed and looks good as new. "Jiraiya. . ." I say his name with a frown. 

"Akari?!" He exclaims. "What are you doing here-" I cut him off by wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. "Akari. . . ?" 

"Welcome back. . . I thought I had lost you. . ." Fresh tears well up in my eyes as I hug Jiraiya closer to me. Jiraiya hugs me back before gently pulling me away and warning me about Pein's attack. 

"He's on his way to the Leaf Village to get Naruto. We have to go back quickly." 

"Then let us return. Hold onto me." I grab my scythe and raise it in the air, summoning lightning down on us to transport us back to the leaf village. 

When we returned to the village, I placed Jiraiya down on the couch in Kakashi's house and allowed him to rest. "I told you. . . I am not going to let you die. . . You have a Godson to keep training to become Hokage. I am not going to let anybody else die on my hand. I swear. . ." I tell Jiraiya, and myself, while he rests. 


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