{14} Overwhelming Emotions

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{Akari's P.O.V.}

Today is the gathering, and ceremony, of the 5th Hokage. Every shinobi, and citizen, is going to be there. Well, all except for me.

I don't plan to go because I don't really belong in this village. I'm only here to keep an eye on Kurama, and Naruto. Even if he hasn't spoken to me yet.

I won't let it get in the way of my duties. All I have to do is push them aside like I've always have been for so many years.

Right now, I'm in the forest of the Leaf Village, leaning against a tree with my arms crossed. I see no point into going to this gathering for the 5th Hokage.

What I need to focus on is the Akatsuki and learning how many tailed beasts they have taken and sealed away. But where can I find them?

Yet, how did it come to this? . . . Why am I not feeling okay? I can't understand human emotions, but the thought. . . The scared look on Naruto's face was like lightning struck my heart.

Being avoided, neglected, not having anybody talk to you. . . It hurts. I never felt this way before.

Long ago, when my father was alive, I had no interest in anything. I never considered my father's feelings, nor the tailed beasts feelings. I was fixated on my own hobbies.

I was selfish.

I would read the books Father gave to me, watch him talk to all tailed beasts, and watch him work when he was alone.

I saw no interest in anything.

"Are you interested in anything, Akari?" My father would ask me every time he wound see my nose stuck in a book.

I didn't care about his emotions for me. He looked worried at some times, but I would push them away. I never considered anybody else's emotions.

It was because I was just not interested in anything.

Father would train me, so that I would follow in his footsteps, whenever it was time for him to pass away. However, I did things my way just to make a difference out of things.

I did everything on my own.

I even taught myself many things so that I can understand them. But I was never thrilled. I would always say,

"I'm not interested."

When my father passed, I knew what I had to do, and I followed his footsteps so that things could remain they were. Yet, I wanted to do things differently. And I did so. Again.


And again.

But I couldn't understand how others felt.

I killed people just to get things what I want, yet I felt as if nothing was wrong with the way I am. Until that day. . .

The day I released the monster inside of me. I had no idea what happened to me. I was fighting one moment, and when things got too intense, I blacked out.

Eyes glowing brightly. Both teeth and nails razor sharp. A tail growing from behind me. And my chakra releasing itself out in the open.

But I don't remember who I was fighting.

After things have calmed down, I realized what I did. I destroyed many lives, and things around me. I lost control of myself and I wasn't proud of it.

That's when I swore to myself that I wasn't going to release that monster within me again. But, I did. For Naruto's sake.

And now he doesn't look at me the same anymore. It's really annoying, and I can't stand this feeling. I want to get rid of it. It's too much.

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