{22} Akari's Secret Mission

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Naruto was taken to the hospital and he's quite upset about Sasuke departure. I had no words to say to the boy because nothing came into mind. All Naruto could do was lie in bed and stare up at the ceiling. 

Almost every genin was badly injured because of the mission to retrieve Sasuke, and the only person to blame, in my opinion, is Sakura. 

Naruto told me that she cried, and begged, Naruto to get Sasuke back. She put everyone's lives on the line and she did nothing. 

I wouldn't say that I am angry with her. I'm just disappointed that she didn't bother to help out. All of these boys could have died. 

"Naruto, I'll be back with some food or you to, okay?" I look at Naruto while saying. He merely nods his head and continues to stare up at the ceiling. 

I leave the hospital room that he's in and leave the hospital to find something for the boy to eat. While I'm walking through the village, I run into Sakura. The one person I didn't want to talk to because she is the cause of this. 

"Oh, Akari, I-" I walk pass not, not wanting to say a word to her. "Hey! Where are you going!?" She shouts after me. 

"I'm have nothing to say to you, Sakura." I stop walking and turn my head over my shoulder, giving her a harsh glare. "Everybody is injured because of you. Especially Naruto. He did this all for you after you came crying to him, begging him to have Sasuke come back to you. You put everyone in danger." 

"But they were going after Sasuke anyway, so I thought-" 

"Thought that you can encourage them by crying your heart out? They almost died, and all you could do was cry about it. So let me ask you something. What do you think you could've done to help instead of crying?" 

The girl's eyes widen and tears begin to form in her eyes, knowing that she can't answer that because she's accepting the fact that she is weak. "I. . . I was just. . ." 

"Trying to help? You did nothing, Sakura. All you could do was sit and watch everybody fight because of you. More importantly, you put my child in danger and it nearly cost him his life. I won't forgive you until you do something with yourself." 

Having said those words, I walk away and continue down the street. 

"Wow, that was harsh, Akari." Jiraiya's voice is nearby. 

"You have no idea what everyone had to go through to get her precious Sasuke back. If it was your child who almost died in a battle, you would be angry and worried too." I reply, still walking down the street. 

Jiraiya hops down from a building and walks beside me as he says, "I get that you're upset, but did you really have to take it out on that girl?" 

"It's her fault why everybody is severely injured. She needs to start doing things on her own instead of relying on others." 

"Right. . . . Anyway, Akari? Why are we at the KIA stone?" 

"Because I wanted to speak with you in private." I turn around and give him a serious look. 

"About what?" 

"The Akatsuki. . . While I'm gone, I need you to keep an eye on Naruto." 

"What do you mean, Akari? What do you plan on doing?" 

"Remember those two Akatsuki members arrived to take Naruto away? I'm going to go after them before they take anymore tailed beasts. I don't want Naruto worrying about me while I'm away from time to time." 

"I don't think it's a good idea to go in alone. These people are S rank criminals." 

"It's an in and out process. I'll gather what I need and come straight back here. I just need you to keep Naruto's mind busy so he won't have to wonder where I'm off to. Besides, I also have Gaara to take care of too. You and Kakashi can look after him. But what I'm asking you to do is not to tell Naruto where I'm going. Think you can do that without spending money on woman and sake?" 

"What kind of person do you take me for!?" He whines.

"A perverted old man." 

"I'm not that old!" 

"Just let me know if we have a deal or not!" I shout, getting impatient. My plan is to leave right now since Naruto is going to be in the hospital for a few days because of his injuries. "Jiraiya, Naruto, nor Kakashi, can know about this. This is my job to do alone." I look up at him. 

"Sure, but I don't think Kakashi will be happy about that. Aren't you two lovers now?" 

"That's none of your business, and Kakashi doesn't have to know. . . This is something I'm doing for all jinchuriki. So, do we have a deal?"

". . .Yeah. . ." Jiraiya gives me a look of concern, knowing this is a bad idea. 

"Let me know what happens to Naruto while you're on missions and errands with him, got it?" I begin to walk away then say, "Remember, this stays only between us." 

"Right." He nods his head and I'm off, leaving the village. But first things first. I need to pay a little visit to Orochimaru so I can know how Sasuke is and so he can tell me about the curse mark. I still plan to help Sasuke control it. 

I enter into the hideout and go straight to Orochimaru, who is sitting in a chair with his face all bandaged up. This tells me that he has taken somebody's boy in order for him to live. I wonder if he can still do jutsus. 

"Akari!?" His eyes widen, already aware of my presence. 

"I'm not going to hurt you. You kept your end of the bargain very well. You told me that you will teach me everything there is to know about the curse mark. So, talk. I don't want to waste anytime because I have somewhere to be, and I want to get it done quickly as possible." 

"Alright, fine." He relaxes a bit. 

"Where is Sasuke? I don't want him to hear our conversation." 

"Kabuto took him to a room for him to rest. He's asleep right now. Why?" Orochimaru tilts his head to the side. 

"Because there's something I want you to tell me that I know you're familiar with." I lean in close to his face while glaring at him dead in the eyes, making him tense up. "Tell me where the Akatsuki hideouts are." 


Sorry to make it short, everyone. I'm extremely busy right now. But there's more to come! Stay tuned!

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