{21} Stuck In The Middle, A Goodbye For Now

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As expected, Sasuke ended up leaving the village to join the Orochimaru. I couldn't change his mind because I can't control the decisions that he makes. 

Naruto, Kiba, Shikamaru, and Neji went after Sasuke to get him back. I couldn't go with them because I cannot stop Sasuke in what he wants. So, my best option was to be on the sidelines. All I can hope is that all genin make it back safely and unharmed. But, perhaps, I can bring a little help. 

While the genin went on with the 'Rescue Sasuke' mission, I went to the Sand Village to bring along some help. 

I go straight to the Kazekage office and Gaara lifts his head up to look at me before smiling. "Greetings, Akari. It's been a long time."

"My apologies for not being with you all this time, Lord Kazekage." I bow my head, showing my respects. 

"There's no need for that." Gaara walks around his desk and takes my hand in his. 

"I need your help with something. It's urgent. The leaf shinobi need your help. They're in trouble with sound shinobi. They're very strong and the leaf genin might not stand a chance against them." 

"I don't think I can help with that, Akari. I have duties here in the village." 

"Gaara, Naruto is one of those leaf shinobi that are facing the sound ninjas. As powerful as they are, they could end up killing every genin. Please, I need your help." I frown a bit, hoping he will say yes. 

Gaara stares at me dead in the eyes for a long while, then cups my left cheek with his right hand. "I could never say no to you, Akari. I will help you out."

"Arigato, Gaara." I lightly smile at him and vanish out of his sight. 

I return to the village and sit down on top of the Hokage Tower, then linking minds with Sasuke, thanks to that powerful curse mark of his. 

'Sasuke, can you hear me? Respond.' 

'I'm here, Akari. . . What do you want?' His mind links back to mind. Why does he sound upset? 

'Why did you decide to leave the Leaf Village? I thought you wanted me to train you so that you can become stronger and defeat your brother in the future. What made you change your mind? Are you still jealous about Naruto being stronger than you?'

'That's not it. . . All this time, I thought I was getting stronger, but for me to be beaten by my own brother. . . It makes me wonder, what have I been doing all these years? I thought I was strong enough to defeat Itachi, but turns out I'm nowhere near strong. . .' 

'And expect me to come with you to join Orochimaru? Not a chance, Sasuke. I don't abandon people who are important to me. You matter to me, Sasuke, and I would hate to lose you over something like this. 

I can train you and help you become stronger, but going to Orochimaru will do you no good. Once you join Orochimaru, you will be a rouge ninja and they will start sending search parties to get you back. You're only going to lead yourself into a dark path, and in the very end, you will see that you are making a mistake.'  

At the end of my sentence, I didn't hear any response from Sasuke. He was either rethinking his decision, or deciding no longer to talk about this. Either way, he was making a mistake. But I couldn't do anything to stop him. 

"Akari? Are you alright?" I hear Kakashi call out from behind me, causing my to break connection with Sasuke and open my eyes. 

"I'm fine." I stand up and turn to him. 

"What are you doing out here? I thought you would be with Naruto to help with the mission to get Sasuke back." 

"I cannot interfere in such a thing like that. It was Sasuke's  decision to leave the village. Power is what he wanted, so he went to Orochimaru for it. You can't control someone's life after they have fallen too far into the path they chose. Even if Naruto and the others do return with Sasuke, what makes you think he won't try to leave?" 

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