{3} We Meet Once More

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After checking on each Jinchuriki, within a month, I returned to Gaara as I promised him because out of all the hosts, he needs more help. It seems like the others have bonded well with their tailed beast, so Gaara is my main concern right now. 

As I enter into the Sand Village, I head straight to Gaara's house and into his room. Kankuro and Temari had told me that he's been trying hard to control himself, yet he still has the bloodlust. 

"Gaara?" I knock on his bedroom door. When there was no answer, I said, "Gaara, I'm coming in." I open the door and I am attacked by the sand. 

Acting quickly, I summon my scythe and slice the sand in half while I glare at Gaara. He's crying with his face in his hands. I should have expected as much. 

"Oh, Gaara. What's happened to you?" I walk over to him and kneel in front of him while gently lifting his face. 

"Everyone hates me. . ." He whimpers. "Nobody wants to be my friend. . . I'm all alone. . ." 

"Do you remember what I told you before I left? I said that you were never alone because I'm here." I wipe the tears off his cheeks. "I told you I would be back, didn't I?" I recalled. 

After wiping his tears, he opens his eyes and a smile appears on his face. "Akari!" He hops in my arms, hugging me. "You kept your promise! You came back!" He says all cheery. 

"I told you I would." I give him a light smile while hugging him back. "No matter what, I will always be here, Gaara. Remember that, okay?" 

"Yeah!" Gaara nods his head. 

{Time Skip} 

Over the months, Gaara has become an excellent genin. He has control over the ability to move sand around, but he has insomnia thanks to Shukaku. He hasn't gotten any rest, and I realized that Gaara has been keeping himself away because of the nightmares he's been having since I've left. 

But now, Gaara looks cold, dark, and careless. I'm not sure what's gotten into him, but he still remains calm when I speak to him and tell him what to do. I guess being mistreated from his village must have really hurt him from the inside. 

On the bright side, their sensei, Baki, allowed me to accompany them since today is the chunin exams, being held in the Leaf Village. However, I've been feeling Kurama's chakra rampaging like crazy. Either the seal has been broken, or Naruto got really upset about something. Looks like I have to go check on both of them. 

"Thank you for coming with us. Gaara is calm when you're around." Kankuro tells me while we're on our way to the Leaf Village. 

"It's no trouble. I hope you and Temari were watching over him while I was away." I reply to Kankuro. 

"We have, but the village still treats him terribly. He doesn't listen to Temari or I anymore. He's been asking about you." 

"Sorry for leaving in short notice. I had other business to attend to. I'll make sure Gaara doesn't get himself into too much trouble during the chunin exams. So, you don't have to worry about him as much. Right, Baki?" I look at the sensei with the corner of my eye. 

"Yeah." He scoffs at me. He's only upset because I'm here and I proved to him that I can control Gaara without using any violence or force. Humans have strange methods these days. 

Once we enter the Leaf Village, Baki leaves to register the siblings in. He tells us to stay close to each other and not to cause any trouble. But the moment he leaves, Kankuro and Temari walk around the village while I take Gaara to a private place to speak to the Shukaku. 

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