{11} Let's Flee The Village!

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Ever since the joint mission, Gaara's village has learned to accept him for who he is. Which means I can spend time with Naruto. Gaara is protected his by siblings, and by his people, so I'm sure he will be alright. 

I'm on my way to the leaf village right now just to see how Naruto is doing. The leaf village has been gloomy because of the lost of the 3rd Hokage. Nothing but gloomy looks are planted on their faces. I want to feel sad for them, but I can't understand what that is. 

Once I walk into the village, I look for Naruto, but I run into the Uchiha boy. He sits on the ground as he throws a kunai at the ground with a pissed off look on his face. 

"Are you still upset about the Hokage passing, or are you upset about something else?" I ask him out of curiosity. 

"Why do you care? Tch." He snaps at me. 

"I don't, really. I was hoping to understand human emotions, but whatever." I say bluntly while shrugging my shoulders. I begin to walk away until, 


"Yes?" I turn around to face him. 

"Let me ask you something." 

"Fine. Go ahead, but make it quick because I'm looking for Naruto." 

"Would you take revenge on someone who took away something that meant the world to you?" Sasuke's face is dark while he is looking at the ground. 

"Yes." I nod my head. 

"How would you take revenge? . . . You seem to know what you're doing all the time when you're around Naruto, but how would you act if you're face to face with someone you hate?" 

"Simple, I just act on it. I do what I need to do to get justice, and to become an avenger. But I don't act recklessly before the battle. I plan ahead. Why do you ask?" 

"No reason." Sasuke turns his head away to avoid looking at me. 

All I can do is shrug my shoulders and be on my way to find Naruto. And the only place I can think of is the ramen place where he likes to eat. Of course, he would be there. 

"Hey, Akari! Long time no see!" Naruto smiles at me while waving. "Want some ramen?" 

"No thanks. I'm actually looking for you." I take a seat next to him. "I wanted to see how you were doing from the last mission we had together."

"I'm doing great! I've been training non-stop!" 

"Really? That's good for you." I stroke the top of his head as he continues to smile at me. "I see everyone is trying to fix the village from the ambush." 

"Yeah, everyone is working hard to repair stuff. So, how's Gaara? I can't believe he's the Kazekage now." 

"He's doing fine. His village has come to accept him for who he is. They basically worship him because he does everything in his power to protect his village." I say, thinking back how everyone was behaving towards Gaara during my time in the sand village. 

"I'm happy for Gaara. He's going to make a great Kazekage." 

"He sure will." I lightly smile at Naruto as I watch him eat. . . Why do I have this feeling that something dangerous is going to happen soon? Something seems a bit off. . .

"By the way, Kakashi-Sensei is looking for you. He told me to tell you to come see him the next time you come into the village." 

"Is that so? Alright, I'll go see what he wants. I'll be back, Naruto. Don't train too hard." 

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