{50} Lost In The Dark, Akari Abandons Sasuke

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It is time for me to go and collect the 8 tails, finally. The village is still being repaired, but the good news is that all is calm now... 

Now it's time for me to go collect the 8 tails and check on Sasuke. "Sayonara, Akari! Good luck!" Sakura waves to me as I am exiting the village. 

"B-Be careful!" Hinata shyly says to me. 

"See ya later, Akari! Hurry back!" Naruto waves with a bright smile. 

"See ya, Akari." Kakashi waves. 

"Travel safely." Tsunade smiles. 

"See you soon, Akari." Itachi smiles with a nod while Jiraiya gives me a thumbs up.

"I will return as soon as I can. Goodbye." I wave back to them and walk out of the village. So much has happened that I almost forgot about Sasuke and the other tailed beast. 

I am relieved to have my strength back, so that I can get back to work and my duties. My first priority is Sasuke since it has been a while since I've seen him. If I remember correctly, he is with Suigetsu, Karin, and Jugo, and they were. . . What happend again?

I need to find Sasuke. 

I remember Sasuke's body fading into the ground, caused by a jutsu. So, he was taken somewhere. Another Akatsuki hideout perhaps? 

Let's find out. 

"Transportation Jutsu!" I slam the end of my scythe onto the ground and transport myself to another hideout with a bolt of lightning. 

I appear on a table and I am surrounded by two remaining Akatsuki members, and Sasuke's team. "What the hell, Akari!?" Suigetsu is startled by my sudden appearance. 

"Akari. . ." I hear a deep voice, having me turn to a man with an orange swirl mask. Wasn't he Deidara's partner? I thought he died within the blast. 

"It's been a long time since I've seen you around. Where have you been?" Kisame smirks at me.

"Taking care of business. I am surprised you are still alive, Kisame. It is just you and Deidara's partner now." 

"That means. . ." Kisame gives me a shocked expression. 

"Yes." I nod my head with an emotionless stare. "Your leader is dead. Pein is defeated." 

"Interesting~ Well then, you're just in time for the good news! Itachi's little brother here has decided to join the Akatsuki." 


Everything falls silent as my mind tries to process what Kisame told me. Sasuke joining the Akatsuki. . . That means he will. . . No. . . !

"Is this a good idea to be telling the Caretaker of Jinchuriki's about our whereabouts? After all, she is the protector of these creatures." The man in the orange mask questions. 

"She's allowed to hear us out. She's my mother." Sasuke glares at the man.Sasuke doesn't know that I brought his brother back from the dead, and that man with the orange mask is having him do this. . .

"Sasuke. . . A word. . ." I turn my head to him before hopping off the table and going to a part of the hideout where we are not seen or heard. "What do you think you are doing? Joining the Akatsuki? You do know what they do, right?" 

"Because it is the only way to earn Tobi's trust. My target are the Elders. He told me everything about Itachi. That's why I'm doing this." Sasuke looks at the man with the orange man. 

So he told him everything about Itachi and now he's convinced that this is the right thing to do. . .

"The Akatsuki kidnap and seal away tailed beast, thus killing the human host. I have been trying to prevent that, and you are going to be going after one my children to earn this person's trust?" 

"It's the only way." 

"No, it is not." Looking at Sasuke closely, his chakra has changed. He is lost and confused, yet he thinks he understands. "This will not solve anything, Sasuke. Danzo is the one that you are after and him alone. But going after one of my children is something I cannot allow. I will not let you do this."

"Then you are only getting in my way." Sasuke tells me this with an harsh glare. "You're either with me or against me on this, Akari. And as my mother, I was hoping you would understand my reasons. Looks like you don't know a single thing about me yet. You are a fool." 

With those words, my blood boils and my body acts on its own. My hand makes contact with Sasuke's cheek, slapping him hard across the face. 

"YOU SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!!!" I shout at him as my eyes glow and my tail appearing behind me, along with my teeth growing sharp. "How dare you say such things to me! I have supported you, and followed you up to this point, and now you tell me that I am the foolish one!?

I have been with you every step of the way, and made sure that you achieve in your plan! You dare tell me that I am the foolish one here? And after all that I have done for you, Sasuke. . . This is what you have to say to me? . . ." My hair covers my eyes as my fist tightens. "If anyone is the fool here, it is you. . . I should have let you be swallowed in your own despair. . . But I took pity on you because I knew I could help you. . . I knew what you needed. . . Tell me. . . Was I foolish  enough to love you like a real son?" I look at him with a harsh glare, which makes him look at me frightened. "Tch. . . I guess I was. . . Then you are no longer a son to me, Sasuke. . ." I turn my back to him and start walking off. 

"Akari, wait!" He shouts after me, but I ignore his cries. "Akari! Don't you dare turn your back on me! Akari!" 

"Goodbye, Sasuke." I look at him one last time before disappearing out of his sight as I hear him shout my name one last time.



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