{7} The Perverted Sanin, Good Grief

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After having a little chat with Kakashi, I went to check on Gaara because I've left him alone for too long. Sasuke is already training with Kakashi, so I have to train Gaara, which I doubt that he needs it because he's strong enough as it is. 

What I need to do is check on Naruto. So, I follow Kurama's chakra and found Naruto near the women's bath. But the moment I get there, I hear him screaming at some old man with white hair. 

"You totally knocked out my trainer! Who do you think you are anyway?!" Naruto shouts, while pointing at the white haired man. 

"Jiraiya." I say the Sanin's name out loud, causing both him and Naruto to face where I'm standing. "You're up to your old tricks again. How pathetic." I sigh. 

"Akari! This guy, with a toad, knocked out my trainer person, and now I have nobody to train me!" Naruto explains his side of the story. 

"Why am I not surprised?" I sigh once more, then look at Jiraiya. He doesn't say anything as he stares at my chest, where my breasts are. I'm sure this will snap him out of his gaze. "Naruto, I'm sure this man will train you for the finals. It's only fair since he knocked out your trainer, so I think it's fair if he trains you. He has to pay for his crimes." 

"What!? Like hell I'm doing that!" As expected, Jiraiya snaps out of his gaze from looking at my breasts and comes to reality. "Look, kid, I'm a very busy man, and I got stuff to do! Good luck finding yourself another trainer!" 

Jiraiya leaves in a puff of smoke in a hurry. "Hey, wait!" Naruto shouts after him. If that's how he wants to play it, then let's play. 

"Wait here, Naruto." I tell Naruto and chase after Jiraiya. 

It doesn't take me too long to find him because I find him peeping on other women in another hot spring. But, I kick him to the wall to get him to stop what he's doing and pay attention to what I have to say. 

"Don't you have better things to do other than spying on naked women? Good grief. And you call yourself a Sanin just because you were trained by the 3rd Hokage." I cross my arms while rolling my eyes. 

"Jesus, what do you want from me? Money? I don't have much on me, so let me work! Just who the hell are you anyway?!" Jiraiya complains. 

I jump in the air and land in front of him while holding my scythe on my shoulder. "That's not important right now. What I want from you is to train Naruto Uzumaki for the finals. It's the least you can do for knocking out his sensei thanks to that giant toad of yours." 

"And what makes you think I will do what you say, lady?" Jiraiya begins to glare at me. 

"Because if you don't, I can just tell the entire village to be aware of you that you're a Peeping Tom and you like to spy on women in the bath houses. That way, you won't spy another naked woman again, and I can tell how much you enjoy your hobby." 

"WHAT!? You can't do that to me?! Do you have any idea who I am!?" 

"Yes. You're a legendary Sanin, pupil of the 3rd Hokage, and you're an author of some book. Something Paradise, or whatever." 

"So you know that much. But, let's not be rational about this, okay!?" 

"Then train Naruto Uzumaki for the finals that are coming up. That's all I ask. It's either that, or me telling the entire village about your hobby. And besides. . ." I swing my scythe at him, pointing the blade to his throat, "I couldn't care less who you are or how much of legendary you are to everyone. I don't mind killing you." 

{Jiraiya's P.O.V.}

Who the hell is this woman?! She's so mean, and violent! Is she really going to kill me if I don't train the brat!? Other than the fact she's hot and all, but she's crazy! Wait, why does she have ears on her head?

"Hey, are those things real?" I ask her, pointing at her animal like ears on her head. 

"Don't change the subject." She snaps back. Damn, a hard nut to crack. "All I'm asking is for you to train Naruto Uzumaki for the finals in a few weeks." 

"What are you, his parent or something?" 

"Merely his guardian. I wish I were his parents, but I can only be his guardian at the time being." A frown appears on her lips. 

I could tell this woman isn't human, because of the ears on her head, and her chakra is so powerful. 

"Why do you want me to train the boy anyway? Is he special?" I ask with curiosity. 

"He is to me. And for the last time, it's the least you can do for putting his trainer in a coma. What I'm asking is something simple. Unless you really want to die." She presses her blade closer to my throat, making me gulp. 

"A-Alright, I'll do it! Just don't kill me!" I put my hands out in front of my face, and she lowers her scythe. 

"That wasn't so hard, now was it? However, if I see you slacking off during his training, I won't hesitate to hunt you down and kill you. Like I said, I couldn't care less if I did kill you. You may be well known to others, but not to me. Do you understand me?" 

"Y-Yeah." I swallow hard again. 

Man, this woman is ruthless and violent. It seems all she cares about is that kid. But just to save myself, I have to do what she says or else she's really going to kill me! But, I can't refuse her when she has a hot body, lovely eyes, and a great breast size!

"Your nose is bleeding. What are you thinking about now?" She asks me, seeing that I have a nosebleed because I'm staring at her chest. "You really are a pervert." She notices me staring at her breasts, making me become frozen still. 

She takes a step back, and turns on her heels to leave. 

"Just don't forget our agreement. Heed my warning, Jiriaya, one of the Legendary Sanin." She says before walking away. 

She even knows who I am. This girl is a mystery. 


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