{20} Akari Becomes Sasuke's Mother Figure

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"W-Wait, Akari! We can work something out!" Orochimaru begs for his own life as I have my scythe raised, ready to kill him. 

"We did and you didn't listen to me. You will pay with your death!" I swing my scythe down, but I stop when he tells me something that catches my interest. 

"I can teach you about all the curse marks!" 

And right then and there, I stop my attack and look at him dead in the eyes. "Is that so?" I lower my scythe. 

"Y-Yes. . . I know that you want to learn about the power of the curse mark that I placed on Sasuke Uchiha. . . I can tell you all about it!" 

"Perhaps. But, your lab rats are getting in the way of my work. I wanted Sasuke to show me the power of his curse mark so that I can train him to become stronger like Naruto. I can teach him how to control it, and in an exchange, he might be the strongest shinobi in the leaf village. 

I know you want him to come to your side so that he can seek the power that he wants, but let's be honest, you're just going to take his body in the end so you can continue to keep living. And a Sanin compared to a God? Who do you think is better at training? You're almost at the end of your rope because of those arms of yours." 

"I admit, it's a long way to go, and I don't expect anything from you. You're stronger than I am, and perhaps your ways are better than mine." Orochimaru hisses. 

". . .You really want the boy that badly so you can take his body, do you?" I question, putting my scythe away, and sighing. "Alright, I'll let your little rats get the boy, but in return, I expect you to tell me everything about the curse mark. However, if your rats get in my way, I will kill them one by one, then I'll come after you. Is that clear?" 

"Y-Yes. . . I'll have Kabuto tell them right away." 

"Good. I'm giving you another chance, Orochimaru. Next time, if you ever decide to go out of your way again, I'll have your head." I turn around and leave his hideout. 

When I return to the village, the sun has already begun to set and I don't need to heck up on Naruto since I'm pretty sure that Kakashi, or Jiraiya, are looking after him right now. And I don't think Naruto wants to speak to anybody after the fight with Sasuke. 

Speaking of which, I have to check on him since he's so fixated on revenge. I find him in a tree, frowning down at his lap, still in the same clothes ever since he left the hospital.

"Are you calm yet?" I ask, appearing in front of him. Sasuke slowly lifts his head to look up at me, then frowns some more, and looks back down at his lap. "You're surprisingly calm for a change." 

"What do I do? . . ." He asks out of the blue. 

"Hmm?" I tilt my head to the side. 

"I'm at the end of my rope. . . I want to get stronger, yet I don't know what will happen after I have my revenge. . . What should I do, Akari? . . . Please, tell me." Sasuke grinds his teeth together. 

"You're really that lost, are you?" I kneel to him. "Alright, what did Kakashi tell you? It's written all over your face that you've spoke to him. Why not tell me what he told you?" 

"He said I should let go of revenge. . . He told me that it always doesn't work out, and I will regret it in the end. . . But every time I close my eyes, I see him. . . My brother. His words echoing through my head and I can't take it!" He holds his head tightly. 

"Interesting. Suddenly, you have a change of thought. But, you don't have to come to a decision right away, Sasuke. I know how badly you want to get revenge on your older brother, but you don't have to rush yourself to become stronger. You're still a kid, and you have a long way to go. What you need is patience.

"I don't have time for that!" 

"Okay, then let me give you an example. You think Naruto got strong over night? No. He had training done and he waited patiently to get stronger. And that is what you lack. As I said, I can train you to become just as strong as Naruto, but I need a yes from you if you really want power. So. . . What will it be?" 

"I don't know! I don't know! I don't know! What should I do!? That's why I'm asking you! . . . I need your help, Akari. . . Please, help me. . ." Sasuke chokes on his own words and I see a tear slide down his cheek. 

He's confused. 



The same way I was when I was a child and when my father was around. The only thing that's on Sasuke's mind is that he just wants to be accepted. He has the feeling that nobody cares about him, so he pushes away those feelings and worries about himself. 

I underestimated him and have been paying attention to what's on the outside, and not seeing what's on the inside. Perhaps, Sasuke isn't that bad after all. He's just going through stress that's been weighing him down. 

"Sasuke," I pull him close to my and hug him close as I close my eyes. I feel him tense up, but he doesn't bother to push me away. "I understand how it feels to get revenge on someone that has hurt you the most. 

During my time, being on my own and having so much to do, in the very end, I experienced the consequences and I didn't know what to do with myself. Having memories replaying in the back of your head haunts you every second of the day, and you want so badly to get stronger so he can take revenge. 

But in the end, Sasuke, it's not worth it. I know what it means to lose important people to you. I've walked down the path countless times. The thing is you're just losing yourself because you're letting vengeance consume you. You're going to make yourself sick. 

Remember, you matter to a lot of people, and believe it or not, you mean a lot to me as much as Naruto." 

"Really. . . ?" Sasuke pulls away and looks at me, still frowning. 

"Honestly." I nod my head. "You and Naruto are not that different from each other. You're rivals, yet you have each other's back through thick and thin. It's almost as if you two are siblings. But believe me when I say this. You matter to me." 

When I say this, Sasuke's eyes widen. He may not be a tailed beasts like Naruto, but with his curse mark and chidori, he has been granted a special gift that can become helpful to him in the future. 

"So if there is anything that you need, you come to me and I swear, I will try my best to help you out. You're important to other people and you fail to see that. But, if you take a moment and realize the reality of things, you will understand. Okay?" I lean close to him and place a kiss on his forehead. 

When I pull away, Sauske is blushing and he looks away, not wanting to be embarrassed in front of me. I stand up and stroke the top of his head as I say, 

"I'm going to retire for the night. If you need anything, just call out my name. Okay?" I smile at him before leaving. 

I wasn't sure if my words got through to him, but if they did, then he knows what path to take. But with Orochimaru's lab rats still roaming about, Sasuke may think otherwise. 

I've done all that I can for that boy, and if he decides to lead his own path, then shall be it. I can't change his mind, nor can I control his life. But, a time will come when he realizes the painful truth. 


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