5. History

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The story of my family is quite interesting, you see, my grandmother, Olympe Crest, was the only daughter of the Alpha of the Blood Crest Pack, Morgan-Lee Crest. Born on July 16, 1869, a century before the human landing.

Sadly, the mother of Olympe died in an accident when her daughter was only 3 months old. In consequence, the family didn't have a male to take over the Alpha place. At that time, female Alphas weren't really a thing and people aren't as open-minded as now. 

Who am I kidding? Alpha females are still looked down upon to this day.

The father of Olympe was head over heels for her, he loved his daughter to death, she was the last thing from his dead mate, so he was a little overprotective and overbearing. But at the same time, he would let Olympe as she liked. 

She was a little rebel, she would always sneak out, ditch school, go to parties. Olympe later knew after his passing that he knew what she would do, but would choose to turn a blind eye and let it go. She later confessed that she wasn't surprised at how I coped with my issues, seeing I was like her.

By being the daughter of the Alpha, and even with that rebel life, Olympe was known to be tremendously kind to every wolf of the pack. She always protected the weak and helped anyone in need. 

She was the kind of girl that would beat the crap out of the bullies. Always the hypocrite. 

She would always accompany her father to the annual gathering of the Alphas and she didn't give a crap about who she was talking to, she could feel who was worthy of her time or not. She knew who was just and kind towards her own.

She was the one that presented the idea of a packhouse back in 1938, to a whole convention of old-looking farts- I mean Alphas. It was a real revolutionary moment. 

Her original idea was to create a shelter for all wolves, like a hotel, where they could sleep, eat, and be with their community. 

You have to understand, at that time, they weren't many rules for the acks, even less for the Alphas. A few decades before the 18th century, most packs were nomads. So when they finally tried to settle in a territory, back in 1785, most of the lower-ranking wolves didn't have a proper shelter.

So it wasn't a really big shock to find that her mate was an Omega. Louis Martin. The sweet, carefree, really handsome mate of Olympe. 

Like most of the packs, he had black hair, black eyes, and dark skin to complete his good looks. Olympe had instead famous baby blue eyes, contrasting her black hair and tan skin. 

She was beautiful and cunning. He was clever and patient.
A Hufflepuff to her Slytherin.
The perfect match.

The pack wasn't too thrilled with the only daughter of the Alpha being mated with an Omega, but with Morgan-Lee accepting their union, with the condition that Louis had to take the Crest's name, and to never take the Alpha position. 

And the pack cooled down.

Everybody thought that Morgan-Lee would live enough for him to see his grandsons become the Alpha. Of course, that didn't happen.
It never does.

It took them a long time to have children, apparently, females on my grandmother's side of the family have a hard time conceiving children, but she later got blessed with three beautiful pups. Lee, the oldest, and the twins Victrice and Morgan.

Until she gets a phone call from the pack doctor.

Before she can process and realize what just happened she is attending her father's funeral. They said he died in his sleep, his heart just stopped beating. One of the theories that the wolves had was because he was too long without his mate. To top it all up, Morgan-Lee chose Olympe as his next of kin, to become the next Alpha of the Blood Crest pack.

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