32. Family Reunion

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"How is this even possible?" My grandma asks again, still completely shocked by this revelation. Morgan and I took her to the office next door, as to not have her freak out in front of Diana Apriy, or should I say, Diana Crest.

"Well, mama, do you know how sex works right?" I tease her, trying to lighten her mood, which obviously doesn't work. 

She slams her fist against the table, angrily shutting my brother and I's giggling. Denting one of the legs of the conference table.

"This is not of laughing matter. This means that your uncle has had illegitimate children scattered around. Children that he is breading to make soldiers!" Olympe shouts again, her wolf appearing in her eyes. 

"It means I have grandchildren that I never met running around on this Earth, without my protection."

I felt her wolf in pain, howling. 

Morgan pleads with me to talk her through and calm her down.

"Grandma, we can't do anything right now, but we can help Diana and try to gather more information to stop Lee. Now common, we have to break the news to Diana that she is our cousin," That last part made my grandma laugh and shake her head. 

"This is going to be a weird long day, children," She tells us and then sighs. "We should probably ask Margot for tea and some treats. We will probably need it."

"Diana, the picture... The picture you recognized to be your father," We were now back to the office where Diana, Rosy, and Lilith were waiting. I felt somehow a little nervous. 

It made some sense now why I believed she looked familiar. 

"Is it possible you may have confused him?"

Diana had some distinguished Asian features, from her slanted eyes and slender figure. Only she had a darker color than you would expect from the stereotypical Asian woman. 

Her short pixie cut rainbow-colored hair always made me deviate the attention from her eyes. She had the distinguished blue-green eyes that my generation received from our late grandfather Louis.

I am a little mad that I haven't noticed the eye color before.  

"I didn't see my father that much and I've only met him a few years ago, but I still know what my father looks like," Diana responds, soft laughter coming out of her slender lips. 

I plead with my grandma with my eyes and she nods, taking the lead.

"Diana, darling..." Olympe slowly says, taking her hand in hers, slightly calming the young woman. 

"This is Lee, my firstborn. He was meant to be the Alpha of this pack but I had to banish him for trying to hurt my people," Olympe raises her hand to touch Diana's cheek. 

"Which means Diana, you are our cousin. You are apart of the Crest family. You are one of us," I tell her softly, making her gasp.

"And that makes me your grandmother, little Diana."

Diana and Rosy looked completely shocked, not expecting the revelation. I mean, why wouldn't they be? I was so shocked I had to leave the room.

"I don't understand..." Diana finally says,  looking completely distraught. 

"My father isn't a werewolf. I think I would know if my dad was a shape-shifting wolf," She was now nervously laughing.

"Diana, you were the first one to admit you didn't really know your father," Rosy tries to calm her down, taking her other hand.

"Yeah, but common! A werewolf?! I would've noticed that he was a freaking werewolf, right?" Diana faces me, the question directed to me. Why was that, I have no idea. 

But she was looking at me for guidance, so I had to give it to her.

"Diana, you have strong blood. I felt that the first time we met out in the forest. Your blood is buzzing with wolf DNA. And not any wolf, an Alpha. I can see that now," I tell her. She looks defeated. 

"And if you not a hundred percent sure that Lee is your father, or us your family, we can obviously take a DNA test. It is up to you,"

"No need," She surprises us with those words. 

"I took a DNA test before meeting my father, just to be sure, ya know? I have never seen the guy in real life, I just had an old picture of him and my mom from way long back. And even that was sufficient for me. I don't wanna slut-shame my mom, but she was known for her splits."

I frown at her statement, not really understanding what she was implying, even though Diana looked very pleased by her comment.

"It was a joke, my mom worked in a circus and she had a reputation of sleeping around," She further explains, making me smile. Now I got it.

"So your mother isn't Lee's mate?" My grandma gasps, completely offended. I roll my eyes, so over her old ways. 

"You mean what Rosy and I are?" She asks, trying to piece things together. "Meaning a soulmate?" She asks again and my grandma nods again.

"Hell, no! My father hates her ass, he doesn't like her being near him. So she normally steers clear from him," She tells my grandma, that now looks extremely bitter. 

"The only time I saw them really interact was when he wanted to send my little brothers to the mission. And that was not a pleasant conversation." 

My grandma sighs, looking at the ceiling, muttering something about having sluts for family. 

You know, like the loving grandmother she can be when it comes to sex.

"That is the least of our problem, grandma," Morgan mutters, containing his laughter, shaking his head. 

He receives a slap on the arm from Lilith that makes him stop.

"How did you find him?" I ask Diana, looking at her blue-green eyes.

"With the picture, my mom had of him. The picture was taken in a specific place in The States, in Florida specifically," She starts, my grandma cutting her, exasperation in her voice.

"Of course he would go to Florida of all places," Which she gets a glare from my side.

I ask Diana to continue, giving a warning to my grandma with another glare.

"The picture was taken inside a bar in Florida. With that I learned that that bar was a place full of locals, so I started to follow the multiple locals online with a fake account, using my mom's name. I befriended them and with that, I started asking people on the internet if they ever saw the guy on the picture."

"Then what happened?" I insist, looking at Lilith that was taking notes from all this.

"Well, none of them answered really, telling me that they didn't really know the guy. But..." She sighs, thinking, doubting if she should tell us. 

"But three months later I found my dad on my doorstep, waiting from me. Someone had had told him I was looking for him."

"That is one hell of a story," Morgan tells her, making her smile. 

I think because of that remark it gave her the strength to confess the rest of her story next.

"Well, I polished the story a little. I did more than that, most of those things were illegal. But the general story was that. It was my dad that found me," She was playing with her hands, looking very nervous but Olympe smiled at her and hugged her.

"Well, the good thing is that after all those crazy things, you found us. And we finally get to meet a family member we didn't know existed," She makes Diana giggle, her tears no longer there.

"Are you going to tell me why you've banished him now?" 

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