59. The traps

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"Everybody in position?" I ask, whispering through the earpiece. I receive little beeps. No news is good news. "Let's take our home back," I say while touching Malcolm's fur.

We were all in uniform, even though we were still in the high school, hiding waiting for the caravans to come.

We found that some of the rogues had GPS' inserted in them, so we knew that the warehouse invasion was premeditated by Lee. We were ready for him though. We knew that it was way too simple to be true. 

We fell right into their trap, knowing what the consequences were.

But we also knew that Lee didn't fight anymore. So we knew that he and his friends were still in our pack.

We were waiting for them. 

We only had a few days with the rogues and our children. We did everything we could, we bathed them, gave them shelter, water, and food. They were not about to die on us. Margaret's kid, the woman that 'asked' us for our help, was the one I saw in my vision with the Moon Goddess. It was the kid that was asking for water and got hurt by one of the Lupus Venatores guards. 

We had 103 out of the 183 children that were kidnapped. The other 80 were the older kids and nonfighters, like the pregnant she-wolves. They were chosen to come to the pack with Lee and be soldiers for him, from what we gathered.

"Are the rogues on our side?" I ask Malcolm and he closes his eyes once. I smile, knowing that this was going to work. Malcolm was now the sole verbal communicator with our pack. 

Werewolves cannot mind links in long distances, so we had different pack members connecting us in the few kilometers that separated us from our pack. They were also the lookout wolves 

"Where are the caravans?" I ask the lookouts in the earpiece.

"2 minutes out, Alpha," Someone answers, and I nod, signing to everybody next to me that they were almost here. Everybody takes their position and wait up.

"They are here," The same voice is. I nod again and beep two times in the intercom.

"How are our friends?" I ask Malcolm and he sends me a wave of insecurity in our bong, making me understand what was going on. "Okay, send the humans their way," I command he nods and an explosion is heard.

My heard starts pumping even more blood, getting excited.

I jump at Malcolm's back, making him start running towards the explosion. "Charge!" I growl out, making everybody scream and shift into their wolves. That is when the lookouts up in the roof of the two-story high school started shooting.

If they want my pack, they will have to go against us!

Like when they attacked us, they had the same trucks and all the rogues were wearing the masks, impending them to shift into their wolves unless they wanted to breathe the toxic air of silver. 

Apparently, they had no idea that for a few minutes the air would flow out in the air and would take time to fall down to actually hurts us at the moment. So the few people that were on the ceiling had masks on. We no longer were on trees. We were attacking from the ground this time.

"Positions!" I shout at my pack. They all start running around the high school, making the rogues confused, the perfect distraction to make the wolves that were on the floor hidden come out attacking them from behind.

We had 17 minutes before the toxic air fell back into the ground. 

I shoot with my gun, like the rest of the snippers on the roof, targetting the multiple running rogues that were now trying to shoot back, we did need them for later though. Like that they couldn't run away. 

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