3. The Nephew

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It's 3 o'clock in the morning. My whole day consisted of taking care of a bunch of rogues and having petty arguments about my mate. 

I was exhausted, mentally, and physically. Finding your mate is exhausting.

I get out of my office and walk up the stairs to my room. 

I hear a lot of "Goodnight Alpha"'s, and I just nod as an automate. 

"At least not the whole pack knew about it," I reassure myself and Sybilla, who just rolls her eyes.

That would've been worse because tongues run in this pack and the next thing that I know my grandma would know. The small portion of wolves that witnessed what happened, was sworn not to talk about it until I have announced. 

Whatever I decide.

When I gain the door to my room I see a little boy in front of my door. And I recognized that small person anywhere. 

This day will never finish, will it?

"James! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your parents? Where are they?" I frantically ask him. 

I am his aunt, meaning the mother of this child is a neurotic French woman when it comes to her babies. So if Lilith hears that her baby boy was out at night to see me, I am most likely to be killed.

"I wanted to see you, Auntie-Angie," He slurs his words, not just because he is just 5 years old, but because he is extremely tired. He almost can't open his eyes.

"Why? What had to happen? Where are your parents?" Lilith and Morgan live 5 minutes from the Pack House, they wanted an independent house since he was born. 

Oh, My Goddess! 

Lilith IS really going to kill me! 

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt? James answer me!" I almost shout at him, he gets scared, making tears pool in his eyes, threatening to fall. 

Damn it!

"No! No! I'm sorry, baby! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to shout at you!" I say taking him in my arms and opening my room. 

My room is the biggest of all the rooms in the packhouse. 

It is very isolated too, giving me all the privacy an Alpha can need. James and Aliénor, my baby niece, love it. 

It has a king-sized bed, two black leather couches, a walking closet, that the two children love to go inside and dress up, and a big trunk that I bought just for them that has games and toys in it.

"Tell me, James, why are you here?" I leave him in my bed, while I go to my closet to dress my pajamas.

"Mommy and daddy left us alone again," He whines, I chuckle. 

He has always hated it when Morgan and Lilith have pack-related problems. 

Of course, they are not left alone, the pack cook, and my surrogate mother, Margot, a 65-year-old human.

Yes, another human. And that is a story to tell later.

"So that is why you are here? Complaining my time with your parent because of their Beta obligations?" I chuckle lightly because of his pout and crossed arms.

"Noo," He gives me an exaggerated sigh, and rolls his beautiful eyes that he took from me and my brother. Ocean-green.

"I'm here because I heard that you've found your mate," I gasp, and walk out of my closet, just to see him giving me a smug face.

"How did you...Morgan," I state and James nods. He loves when I ground his father, he thinks it is hilarious. He is a momma's boy. 

"Your dad is so dead!" I tell the child before opening the mind-link with my brother. I take a deep breath before saying anything.

"BETA MORGAN JUNIOR CREST! YOU COME HERE IMMEDIATELY! AND WITH YOUR WIFE! NOW!" I growl augmenting my Alpha voice to wake him up. And I close the mind-link.

"So are you going to have babies? Am I going to be the Beta of the next Alpha? Is Aliénor going to have a mate? I don't think I want her to have a mate, boys in my class are stupid. Am I going to be a good Beta? If you don't have babies, will I have to be Alpha? I don't want to be Alpha!" 

"You are always cranky and never at home? And what about my sister? Will she be Beta too, like me? Are you going to train us? Who is your mate, again? Are you pregnant now? Are they going to be twins? Will I find my mate? Do you think she will be french like my mommy? Are you-,"

Who gave this kid coffee with steroids??

"Where the fuck do you get all these questions that no 5 years old should have!" I say to him, extremely surprised. I know I shouldn't curse in front of a kid, but James knew better than to copy me.

"I don't know... I think from my brain," He says looking extremely confused about my rhetorical question. 

I shake my head trying to not laugh, when I hear the door open on the first floor, I think my brother and his wife are here. I hear them running to get on the third floor, and when I know they are close I open the door.

"James! What are you doing here?!" Lilith is in her nightgown and robe with a blue cream on her face. 

She looks upset, tired, confused, and angry. I can tell even with the blue stuff covering her furious face.

"Your son was waiting for me in the corridor," I calmly say.

"You got out of the house? How?! I put the alarm all the time!" Morgan says. He is just in sweatpants, bed hair, and nothing glamourous compared to his mate. 

He gulps when he looks at Lilith's glare. 

She looks sweet and innocent on the outside but she is a devil with no pity on the inside. 

You know... French woman.

"Morgan, James... Dears," James and Morgan gulp, knowing what was bound to happen. 

Something that Lilith is, is that she is a scary motherfucker.

"Dear" is the code of "I am going to kill you painfully". 

I have to say, she can really pull off even the blue stuff in her face and bed hair. 

What am I saying, Lilith, is really hot? How did my brother get her as a mate is still a mystery for me to this day?

"TELL ME YOU DIDN'T FORGET TO CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR!!! TU TE FOUS DE MOI!?" She takes a deep breath and lowers her voice.

"He could have been killed! Or kidnaped! What were you thinking! You know how 5 years old are, James, will want to run outside or worse!" She whisper-shout to him taking James' hand and going to the door while bickering with my brother. 

Multitasking at its best.

"And that alarm? The one you said it would never fail!" She shoots both of them out in the door and turns to me. "Au Revoir, Angélique, dors bien, ma chérie." 

She looks at Morgan again.

"You stupid, stupid idiot! Do you," She closes the door and can only hear muffled voices. 

I laugh internally, someone is going to sleep on the couch tonight. 

That is karma for talking about my stuff with his son of all things.

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