30. Wolf Bliss

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"Shouldn't we at least go for a few minutes?" Malcolm asks me again, playing with my hair, not even pretending to move.

I grin, even more, still drawing his new tribal neck tattoo, mesmerized by it. 

"Nah, I don't wanna leave," I tell him again, putting myself more comfortable on top of him, loving how his skin felt alive near mine. 

He chuckles at my response, his laughter vibrating on his whole body. "Say it to me again."

He sighs, his silver eyes glimmering with bliss. I've been asking him that way too many times tonight. But he didn't seem to mind repeating over and over to me.

"I love you, Angie," He says, grinning. 

I shake my head, like a child, a small smile in my eyes.

"No, with the other thing," I insist, making him laugh.

"I love you, Angie, and I am yours, only yours," He presses his lips at each word near my lips, while I close my eyes to taste this incredible feeling of happiness. "That's good enough for you?"

I laugh at his fake exasperation and roll my eyes, before taking his face with my fingers and press my lips to his, softly. 

He, of course, doesn't waste his time and deepens the kiss by putting me a little higher than I was, putting our mouths at the same height, even though we were in bed.

"Tell me again," I link him, loving that I don't have to interrupt our kisses and just link him.

"I am yours, Angie," He chuckles, while I pout when he separates his lips from mine. 

"Your needy, did you know that?" 

I fake shock and laugh with him, shaking my head.

"Only for you, babe," I tell him before getting up and straddle him, ready for round 4.

"Fuck, Angie, you are going to kill me," Mal looks up to me, smirking. We both knew he was as anticipating for this than I was. 

"You said it yourself, I am extremely needy when it comes to you."

"Good, because now you are mine too," He tells me, changing our position, ready to taste what that top life was for the first time.




"I really don't want to go, Mal."

"Babe, we have to come out of the room eventually. Plus I am getting very hungry... And yes, I do need a little more calories than what you can provide for me," Malcolm tells me, smirking, knowing perfectly what I was thinking at that moment. 

I roll my eyes and pout at him. I really did not want to go outside.

"Are you that embarrassed by me that you don't want people to see us together?" He teases, even though I could sense a twinge of hurt in him. 

I glare at him, not liking where his brain was leading him.

"Right, that is why I let you mark me, just to hide you," I get close to him and kiss his mark, giving him chills. 

"I just... I don't want to give my grandmother the satisfaction of being right about us," I confess, cringing at myself.

And he surprises me by laughing hard. I have such a comprehensive mate.

"Go put on some clothes and let's go. I will not be tolerating petty fights between you and your grandma. Okay?" He pushes to my closet, surprising me by the sheer force of his. 

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